Tales From The Trance With Jill Thomas
As an Intuitive Hypnotherapist, Clairvoyant Reader, Author, Medium and Vocal Channel, Jill K Thomas, CHT is able to help clients move past limiting beliefs, discover their authentic selves and create a life of peace and harmony. Jill has helped thousands of people realize lifestyle and wellness goals they could never before achieve, including losing weight, overcoming debilitating phobias, healing toxic relationships, enhancing athletic performance, and attracting prosperity and success.
Among many of her accomplishments, her most recent book, Tales From the Trance, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing, was released this April. Jill has also authored and published with Ozark, her well known weight loss book Feed Your Real Hunger: Getting off the Emotional Treadmill that Keeps you Overweight. She has appeared on numerous radio shows, maintains her popular online blog”Confessions of a Hypnotherapist”, and has authored articles for magazines read across the nation. Her “30 Day weight loss Jumpstart” CD has also helped many people finally lose the pounds, after years of trying.
Website Link: https://www.soulconnecthypnotherapy.com

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have their fair share of misconceptions and myths.
Stereotypically, hypnosis is viewed as mind control. Hypnosis is used to make people do bizarre things like quack like a duck or bark like a dog. Or hypnosis will make you lose control. If you believe everything that Hollywood movies and Las Vegas stage acts portray, then you have a lot to learn about the power of hypnosis and Jill K. Thomas is here to help.
In Tales from the Trance: The Sad, the Strange, and the Solvable where she opens the doors of her office to give readers an insider’s glimpse of what hypnotherapy is really like by sharing intimate stories from real-life clients. Tales from the Trance reveals the feelings and issues that keep ordinary people stuck and offers guidance to conquer debilitating fears in order to live vibrant, purposeful lives.
These stories will surprise, entertain, sadden, and inspire. Regardless of the reaction, every reader will find something of themselves among its pages. Jill knows that changing peoples’ attitudes toward their own problems is usually the difference between their continuing to suffer or choosing to seek help. “This is why I was drawn to hypnotherapy,” says Jill, “I enjoy helping people get a different outlook and clearer understanding of their difficulties. Hypnosis is safe, effective, fun, and can bring about deep and lasting change for the better! I encourage everyone to give it a try at some point. Who knows? It might just change your life.”
hypnosis, hypnotherapy, healing, psychic, subconscious mind, brain power, trance, Jill Thomas, Ryan McCormick, Mental Health News Radio Network, Outer Limits of Inner Truth