Outer Limits Radio

521 Results / Page 50 of 58



OLIT Virtue Lisa Caza Publishes First Book!

In this inspirational partial memoir, internationally-known clairvoyant psychic and media personality Lisa Caza shares her experience in detail as a surviving warrior of domestic violence and how she, with the help of her spirit guides and Divine, rebuilt herself and finally connected with her divinely intended life partner. Lisa reveals profound divine insight, guidance, and lessons learned throughout her journey to help guide others towards finding their own successful love […]

todayOctober 25, 2015 1


When To Trust Your Intuition

Intuition is not rational or logical, it is a “just knowing” that comes seemingly out of nowhere. It is an instinctive response to our environment, who and what is around us, an inner safety mechanism designed to help us avoid harm, a chance to think twice before proceeding.

todayOctober 11, 2015 2


Channeling Intuition with Tori Hartman

Tori Hartman is a world-renowned psychic, author, and spiritual teacher. Born and raised in the free-thinking atmosphere of New York’s Greenwich Village in the 1960s, Tori has been aware of her psychic abilities since the age of eight.

todayOctober 8, 2015 2


The Three Minute Negative Energy Shredder

If you ever feel being "suffocated" with negative energy or feel depressed, angry, sad - here is a track called "Gayatri Mantra Honouring the Gods" and it's by Stuart Wilde & Richard Tyler. When you play this track, apparently it clears out the negatively around you and immerses your soul in waves of celestial love & light. When listening to this track, you might want to try closing your eyes […]

todayOctober 6, 2015


What Should You Do If You Come In Contact With A Spirit?

Many ghosts, spirits, and entities are nonviolent. They are simply lost and confused. Sometimes they may not realize they have moved on. You can help them! If you are someone that meditates often and feels comfortable, feel free to try to make contact. If you are not used to communicating with your inner spirit or other planes, practice first! Practice, perseverance, and patience are key when doing work with spirits. […]

todayOctober 2, 2015 1


Super, Blood, Harvest Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

This weekend we will see a rare combo: an eclipse which is both a Super and a Blood Moon. This makes this particular eclipse highly charged. As I mentioned in previous blogs, a Super Moon is when the moon is closer to the earth than usual. A Blood Moon can occur only during a Total Lunar Eclipse; as the earth moves between the Sun and the Moon the way light […]

todaySeptember 26, 2015 2


Do Animals Have Spirits & Feel Our Emotions?

Whether they are alive or have passed on, our pets always understand our emotions, thoughts, and pain. Realize too that most pets are indeed telepathic – they can not only feel the energy surrounding their owners, they can also “read your heart.”

todaySeptember 26, 2015 44


Celestial Magic, Spells & Insight with Psychic Medium Lisa McGarrity

Lisa McGarrity is an authentic, easy-going and practical psychic medium who has been helping people for over twenty years. Lisa is also owner of the highly popular Long Island metaphysical store Envision Crystal. She believes that everyone has the power to shape and control their lives and she enjoys can help others to develop & harness their power. Lisa has the capability of looking any problem from many points of […]

todaySeptember 25, 2015 15


What Is Reincarnation & Is Reincarnation and Resurrection the Same Thing?

Resurrection is when the spirit re-enters THE SAME BODY, in the same life time, and in the same life circumstance. The most widely-known example of resurrection is of course the rise of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Reincarnation on the other hand is when the spirit decides, upon leaving the physical body, to be re-born into a NEW BODY, in a different time, and in and entirely different set of […]

todaySeptember 25, 2015 1
