OLIT Full Interview

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OLIT Full Interview

The History of God with Guy Needler

The History of God with Guy Needler Guy Needler MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA initially trained as a mechanical engineer and quickly progressed to become a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. However, throughout this earthly training, he was always aware of the greater reality around him as he caught glimpses of the worlds of spirit. From his teens to his early twenties, these glimpses drew him to read extensively the […]

todayJune 17, 2019 36 1

OLIT Full Interview

Inside The Akashic Records with Elisabeth Manning

Are the Akashic Records some cosmic repository of endless file cabinets in infinite hallways and stacks? Where did this concept come from? Do these records exist in time and space like a galactic internet? How do we access the Akashic Records? While many describe or explain the concept in different ways, in essence, the Akashic Records are believed to be the repository of every thought, word and deed of every […]

todayApril 19, 2019 26

OLIT Full Interview

Global Consciousness Transformation with Dylan Charles

Due to our technological connectedness, now more than ever before people are feeling the heavy weight of severe cataclysmic and tragic events, affecting millions of people around the world, with only the promise of greater turmoil to come. It’s easy in this environment to slip into overwhelm, despair, anxiety and depression, which only makes things worse. It’s imperative to focus on self-care and personal spiritual cultivation in order to endure […]

todayAugust 30, 2018 12

OLIT Full Interview

Soul Surrender with Patricia Mischell

Patricia Mischell is a powerful psychic medium who radiates rays of warmth, healing, and comfort. At the age of eleven, Ms. Mischell died on the operating table when she was having surgery. She was dead for seven minutes. During this time she visited God's world with her angel. After this experience, Patricia received the ability to move freely into God's world and speak with those who have passed on. This […]

todaySeptember 20, 2017 36
