OLIT Christmas Show

todayDecember 18, 2015 3

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The Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show (www.outerlimitsradio.com) presents the Christmas Special featuring gifts to listeners. The show is lighthearted & fun and delves into the Christmas spirit!

Guests Include:

Pam Grout is a hopeless romantic who still believes the world is a beautiful place, that people are noble and that anything is possible. Bestselling Books: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig, Jumpstart Your Metabolism: How To Lose Weight By Changing The Way You Breathe.

Lisa McGarrity Psychic Medium & Owner of Envision Crystal Metaphysical Store

Laura Lyn, Psychic Medium & Past Life Reader

Lisa Caza Psychic Empath

Geno Bisconte, professional comedian who will star as “Geno Claus”…


Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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