On the weekend of 15th – 17th of January (and upcoming months)
Deep Soul Connection will be holding an online mini ‘Deep Soul Immersion’
We invite you to take this opportunity to start your year with a real boost of energy from within, as we assist you to access the Infinite Reserves and Resources of your Higher Self, and to connect with and receive from your Spirit Guides, Chung Fu (our Spirit Guide) and a host of Beings of Light who bring us their Extraordinary Presence!
We still have a few places available, why not jump on board! This is going to be a wonderful Soul Adventure during which we will journey together in the Inner Worlds of Infinite Possibility, and your Soul will guide you to wherever you need to be at this time on your life’s journey, to receive the gifts of energy and consciousness you need for transformation within.
There will be 5 sessions of transmission from Spirit Guide Chung Fu (each lasting approximately 2 hrs) over the weekend, and 2 further sessions for personal check-ins – you will need to be available for all the events, they are – Fri 8pm, and Sat & Sun 9am, 3pm and 8pm (UK time). There will be a Fire/Release Ceremony on the Saturday evening (UK 8pm). You will be supported by Chung Fu (speaking through medium in trance), and by 3 of our most experienced facilitators/trainers in this deep work of Soul Connection.
In our experience we have found that a strongly guided, supported and prolonged connection with your Higher Self over a number of days has a real ability to get the Light into and underneath and anchored within some deeper and hard-to-reach emotional layers, providing a powerful transformative resource within.
It is also an opportunity to connect and hold space with beautiful brothers and sisters from around the World who are now being drawn to work with Chung Fu and all of us.
Our introductory offer for this First Ever On-Line mini Deep Soul Immersion is an investment of £150 which will include a 15 minute ‘laser’ session with Chung Fu to help you focus and formulate your Intention for the Immersion. We will also be sending out some journaling/focusing exercises for those who want to attend, to support you to really tune in to your Intention for the Immersion.
It would be a real joy and honour to share this pilot experience with you…
Here is a link to our Live Q & A call which we hosted on Saturday January 2nd – http://iTeleseminar.com/78940920
To learn more about Chung Fu and our work please visit www.deepsoulconnection.com
And please get in touch if you feel drawn to join us on our Deep Soul Immersion – sophie.deepconnection@gmail.com