An Interview with Ascended Being Chung Fu – Part V

todayNovember 28, 2018 13

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An Interview with Ascended Being Chung Fu – Part V

Channeled Spirit Chung Fu (making his fifth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth) is an ascended being who returns to share insights on the rapid global transformation of consciousness happening before our very eyes. Mr. Fu discusses the purpose of light beings on earth right now, what life is like in the non-physical realms, how we can triumph against the dark, how each one of us can connect deeply with the highest form of unconditional love, and much more.

Within the teachings of Chung Fu, there is as much wisdom in the ‘dark’ as in the ‘light’. All is an expression of Divine Love, which encompasses even the greatest ignorance causal to the most terrible suffering of body heart and mind. Love is the Great Medicine and we become its alchemists, creating it out of every experience we are given to transform and transmute. Chung Fu teaches that with enough commitment of heart and soul, with enough practice of body and mind, we can entirely change deep realities within and change what in some traditions is referred to as our ‘karma’.

Website: www.deepsoulconnection.com


Introduction To Ascended Master Chung Fu

Blessings and peace beloved, may the living spirit that is within all things come forward and bring you joy, love, peace, harmony and deep understanding that is beyond the mind.

At this time in your world, many beings of the light are coming forward to bring love and upliftment, to bring healing and deep understanding into the minds and hearts of men, women and children upon the earth.

At this time within your world, transformation is taking place at the deepest level within the earth, within each and every human Soul, within all Beings. This transformation is a universal transformation, radiating out amongst the stars, out into the cosmos as the earth takes its place within the greater scheme of the evolution within the Universe.

All beings are connected, all beings give and take into the great collective that is life. The pulsing of life throughout the universe is felt by every single being, deep deep within the core. Life itself comes forward, the God-Goddess Force that is within, the life that pulses that is the love.

At this time within your world the pulse is issued forth from the Central Sun, the Sun that radiates within the physical world, the reflection, the outer manifestation of the God-Goddess Force that pulses within the Centre of the Universe of Light. It is from this Universe of Light that all matter proceeds. All materialises from the Source of Love, the Divine Heart, the Solar Logos, the Cosmic Sun.

There are many names given to the Beings of Light who come forward into your world at this time.
I am Chung Fu, I am one of the Great Brother-Sisterhood of the Soul, who have been overseeing life and the evolution of the human Soul upon your planet for many aeons. We have been moving towards this point of time, this very time laden with potential beloved one.

As you come forward to hear my voice, I come forward to speak to your Soul. For we are joined together within, that are drawn into this dialogue of great depth, a dialogue that is beyond the conscious mind where we are joined together in the very heart of the Divine Source, where we are one, not separate.

For within you at this time your heart opens to receive the voice of your own Higher Self. As your heart opens you become aware of a great depth, sometimes of emotions, fears, deep feelings that are irrational, blockages, a sense of restriction, or limitation, something uncomfortable. These are the aspects coming forward from your subconscious mind, they are called forward by the shining of the light of your Higher Self.

As you open your heart to allow the beings of light who are all around you, to connect, to shine their Deep Soul Light inside you. As you feel this presence there arises within you, a thirst, a hunger. It is as natural as your physical thirst, your physical hunger. It is as natural as your emotional needs, as your humanity, your human nature which tells you the truth of your emotions.

But this is a spiritual hunger. This is where your Higher Self starts to speak to you from inside of what is possible. Where the Light of your Spirit shines from inside you, leading you, bringing you forward to a place where you are inquisitive. What is going on? I must know more. I must get in touch with this part of myself, I can feel it, there is something there, I cannot quite reach it.

It is your Soul. The Light of your Soul attuned to the great enlightenment, the coming forward of this new light in your world. Your Soul is calling you to discover and remember to come back to that true identity of your being, to that which you already know, that you are connected to all that is, that you are One with the Living Spirit Within.

The God-Goddess Force is rising, pulsing, from the depths of your Soul, coming forward inviting you, calling you to the most exciting adventure of your whole life. This is the adventure of discovering your True Self, your unique, extraordinary, wondrous, powerful, true self, the You that you came here to be in totality, in fullness, in wondrous, multi-coloured omnipresence. You came here to bring forward your expression of the God-Goddess Force, of the Divine Presence that is your essence.

And in this journey beloved one friend and friends gathered here, I Chung Fu am committed to you, to bring you through difficult and dark passages of your journey, to bring the Light when you need to see what is hazy or unclear, what is dark, or hidden. Chung Fu is here with many Beings of the Brother-Sisterhood of the Soul. We are Beings devoted to this work, to the work of assisting you in your Souls’ evolutionary path, to the becoming of your unique, powerful True Self.

So I invite you to come forward with all of your heart open, that we may explore together within each and every one of you these unique and extraordinary aspects, these deep and possibly never before discovered facets of your being. We offer ourselves to you beloved ones.

To all those of you who come forward at this time we say be at peace, and know there is so much assistance, support and love, power, kindness, understanding, so much healing and empathy. It is very
close to you, so close you can just breathe it in right now. We are committed to assisting you to understanding how you can avail yourself of all this Love and support at this special time in your life.

We, all the Spirit Beings, look forward to working with you in the days, weeks and months ahead.

May the Living Spirit that is within all things, come forward and bring you the blessings, the love, the joy, the courage, the tenacity, the deep peace and understanding that is beyond the mind as you walk on your path of spiritual adventure.

Chung Fu, Ascended being, channeled spirit, Marshal Lever, Stuart Wilde, Sophie Pullinger, Solar Logos, light beings, love, healing

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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