Death Show: Near Death Experiences 3/3

todayApril 26, 2018 25

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Death Show: Near Death Experiences 3/3

“The substantial majority, if not overwhelming majority of near-death experiencers believe that there’s an afterlife. They believe that there’s a God. They no longer fear death. They’re less materialistic. They value loving relationships more. Also, the percentage of time that people (who’ve had a NDE) encounter deceased relatives is extremely high. It was actually 96% in the NDERF study and only 4% of near-death experiencers met beings who were alive at the time of the near-death experience.” Dr. Jeffrey Long

Featuring in order of appearance:

00:36 – NDE Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long Part II
09:24 – NDE Tony Cicoria
25:40 – NDE Tommy Rosa & Dr. Stephen Sinatra
44:16 – NDE Erica McKenzie

1:22:32 – NDE David Bennett

NDE Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long
Dr. Jeffrey Long is an American author and researcher into the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). A physician by training, Long practices radiation oncology at a hospital in Louisiana. Long is the author of Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list.

NDE Tony Cicoria
In 1994, Dr. Anthony Cicoria was struck by lightning and almost lost his life. After he was struck, he had an out-of-body experience where he says he saw his own body lying on the floor. After having a near-death experience, Dr Tony Cicoria began receiving what he terms “downloads” in the form of music composition for the piano.

NDE Tommy Rosa & Dr. Stephen Sinatra
In 1999, Bronx-born plumber Tommy Rosa died after being the victim of a hit-and-run incident. Lying by the road, he felt a tug whisking him off into a tunnel of light. He found himself in a blessed place. He was shown that God created the Earth to nourish and heal mankind and that our sense of separation from each other and the divine is of our own making. He met his Divine Teacher and received a series of profound lessons – Eight Revelations about the nature of Heaven and Earth. Tommy returned to Earth with a heightened sense of connection to one and all. But the bliss of Heaven was quickly replaced by a long and painful recovery, and Tommy struggled to make sense of all that he had learned. Around the same time, Dr Stephen Sinatra, an integrative cardiologist, was revolutionizing his medical practice with a holistic approach to treatment. When a chance meeting brought the two men together, they gradually came to realize that the revelations of healing Tommy gleaned from his near-death experience aligned with the groundbreaking results Dr Sinatra was seeing in his own practice and scientific research.
Website: http://www.healthrevelationsbook.com/healthrevelationsbook/index

NDE Erica McKenzie
Erica McKenzie had her near-death experience in 2002. She was 31 years old. Ridiculed as a pre-teen for her appearance, Erica turned to bulimia and became addicted to diet pills. After nine years of compromising her health, she finally collapsed on the floor unconscious. Erica left her body and floated up to the ceiling where she watched paramedics take her body to the ambulance. Then she went through a tunnel of light, met God, experienced two life reviews, and was shown that everyone has special gifts and purposes.

NDE David Bennett
David Bennett enjoys the retired life of a public speaker, author, teacher, energetic healer, and transformational life coach. He’s had many appearances on radio and television, including on The National Geographic Channel series The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, Dr Oz, Angels Among Us, NBC national news and PBS. David publishes articles in numerous magazines, blogs and papers. David had three transformative experiences; in 1983 He drowned and had a Near-Death Experience while the Chief Engineer of the ocean research vessel Aloha. He experienced a second transformative experience in 1994 when in meditation in Sedona AZ, his childhood home. The third experience occurred November 2000, when he was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer that metastasized into his spine causing its collapse.

death show, NDE, near death experience, heaven, afterlife, God, Dr. Jeffrey Long, Erica McKenzie, Tony Cicoria, Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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