The Death Show: Near Death Experiences 1/3
It’s one thing to communicate with the dead however, it’s another thing to experience clinical death and come back to tell the tale. The Outer Limits of Inner Truth was so thankful to have the privilege of having discussions with some of the world’s most profound NDE’s (Near Death Experience). Their stories will amaze you.
Featuring (In Order of Appearance):
02:45 – NDE Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long
29:34 – NDE Peter Anthony
40:32 – NDE Laura Lyn
46:52 – NDE Bev Brodsky
52:17 – NDE Betty Eadie
NDE Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long
Dr. Jeffrey Long is a leading near-death experience (NDE) researcher. He founded the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (nderf.org), and two other web sites devoted to experiences related to NDE, After Death Communication Research Foundation (adcrf.org) and Out of Body Experience Research Foundation (oberf.org). Dr. Long also serves on the Physician Advisory Committee of IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies (iands.org) and Chairs the IANDS Research Committee. This family of web sites is the largest publicly accessible collection of exceptional human experiences of their type available. This is leading to increasing awareness that worldwide and across cultural boundaries we all share these types of experiences, and they are similar to a degree that is medically inexplicable.
Website: www.nderf.org
NDE Peter Anthony
Peter Anthony is a producer, International Psychic and Paranormal Investigator, contributing writer for several spiritual magazines across the country, author of Key Master, and a Numerology Life Coach.
Website: http://theaccidentalprophet.com
NDE Laura Lyn
Laura Lyn is a renowned psychic medium, paranormal investigator, teacher and author, who works primarily with angels, spirits and guides. She first began having experiences with angels and spirits as a small child. In her early twenties she decided to pursue working with these enlightened beings as a career to help others in their search for healing and personal development.
Website: www.angelreader.net
NDE Bevery Brodsky
My name is Beverly Brodsky. I died twice — once as a child and once as an adult — and glimpsed what it is like on the other side of life. My adult NDE has been published in six books, most notably in Dr. Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser’s Lessons from the Light. My childhood experience is in PMH Atwater’s The New Children and the NDE. For two years I was on the founding Board of Directors of a new non-profit, ACISTE (the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences) and also an IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) group leader for over 20 years. I am a minister in the LA (or Dodona) Community Church of Religious Science. I worked as a systems and business analyst for the federal government for 28 years. It has actually been 40 years since my adult radiant NDE.
NDE Betty Eadie
Betty J. Eadie, author of the international bestseller Embraced By The Light, had the most eminent, prominent and extensive near-death experience ever recorded. She has written several books in an effort to share with others what she was shown in the spirit world about God and man’s existence, the meaning of life and what awaits all in the after life. Betty has given countless speaking events, lectures, radio and television appearances and interviews across America and abroad informing others that death need not be feared, the exquisite beauty of the spirit world, meeting Jesus, reuniting with deceased loved ones and the most important message of God’s unconditional love: that all are here to learn to “love one another.”
Website: https://embracedbythelight.com
death show, NDE, Betty Eadie, back from the dead, Near Death Experience, Dr. Jeffrey Long, death research, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, afterlife, heaven