Death Show: Teachers & Mystics 2/2

todayApril 25, 2018 13

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The Death Show: Teachers & Mystics 2/2

“To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?” – Socrates

In order of appearance

01:00 – Stuart Wilde
05:01 – Jeff Casper
15:30 – Khris Krepcick
33:58 – Sally Perry
01:05:02 – Dick & Roberta Sutphen


Stuart Wilde
Author of over 20 books on Spirituality & Personal Development, Stuart Wilde (www.stuartwilde.com) was considered by many one of the greatest metaphysicians of all time. Many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers had privately studied with him, or they have been greatly influenced by his work. In the 1980s, Wilde correctly described the etheric life-field around humans in precise detail. Previously, it was known only in vague terms in discussions about the human aura. Wilde wrote out the first of many precise and verifiable etheric exercises and sensations in his book The Quickening (Hay House 1995). Over the last ten years, he has published hundreds of his visions, many of which have now come to pass.
Website: www.stuartwilde.com

Jeff Casper
Jeff Casper is an energy worker who has the ability to shift his perception through various levels to help a person’s own energetic self clear blocks, help repair energy systems and work to bring balance to an individual’s energetic system. He also is shown various energetic patterns or connections within the individual that can help them go further if they are willing to diligently work on themselves. This energy work can be a very helpful step in advancing an individual’s personal and spiritual evolution by better understanding the deeper levels of their energy system.
Website: www.selfunification.com

Khris Krepcik
Khris Krepcik is a world renowned etheric healer and metaphysical teacher with a lifetime of training in ancient wisdoms and mystic arts. He is considered to be down to earth, natural, and real — authentic and genuine. With over thirty years of experience in the extensive study of ancient teachings, altered states of consciousness, philosophies, shamanism, mysticism, and metaphysics, Krepcik has a rare perception and profound understanding of human consciousness and the human energy field. His profound understanding comes from direct experience and perception of the spirit worlds, the subtle etheric field, and the multidimensional nature of reality. He sees things that few others can see. He answers things that few others can answer. His style is direct and concise, with a true warmth, wisdom, and understanding.

Sally Perry
Sally Perry (http://www.sallyperry.net/) Spirit Medicine, of Cherokee lineage, is a visionary, spiritual healer and teacher. She has a unique gift to see the soul and to embrace the all pervading energy of the universe. She is the author of Chronicles of a Healer: She Who Dances and A Master’s Teaching to an American Healer, Immortality. She leads sweat lodges, spirit medicine wheels, vision quests and world peace dances worldwide for groups and private gatherings.
Website: https://www.dicksutphen.com/

Metaphysical Teachers Dick & Roberta Sutphen
Dick Sutphen CCHT is the author of the million-copy bestseller, “You Were Born Again to Be Together” (Simon & Schuster). He has authored 21 New Age books, seven for Simon & Schuster who calls him “America’s Foremost Psychic Researcher.” As a specialist in Past-Life Regression and Spirit-Contact Therapy®, Dick has a private hypnotherapy practice, and he has trained thousands of people to be professional hypnotists. His radio show on BlogTalkRadio, “Dick Sutphen’s Metaphysical World, Spiritual Concepts, is heard by nearly half a million people a week.

Roberta Sutphen is a Certified Counselor and is able to advise on a unique level. She has a Master degree from Florida Atlantic University, and a Bachelor degree in Spiritual Healing. Roberta is also a member of the International Natural Healers Association.
Website: https://www.dicksutphen.com/

Jona Bryndis
Jona Bryndis, founder and owner of transCODES. She was born in Iceland and grew up in Germany, where she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry, Computer Science and later in International Business. She started her professional career as consultant in the emerging computer industry and later became an instructor, coach and motivational speaker. She published articles, co-authored some magazines, had TV appearances, and worked as teacher, public speaker for a Children’s nutrition related non-profit organization and founded a holistic tutoring school in 2009.
Website: hHttp://www.transcodes.com/

death show, teachers, healing, Jona Bryndis, mystics, Stuart Wilde, Dick Sutphen, bereavement, spiritual

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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