The Death Show: The Virtues
The Virtues are four exceptional metaphysical & spiritual teachers that have been a significant part of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth radio show since it’s inception in 2014. These individuals offer incredible insight into a soul’s journey, past lives, and etheric energy fields.
Featuring in order of appearance:
03:25 – Lisa McGarrity
20:41 – Constance Stellas
32:15 – Kerrie O’Connor
59:56 – Lisa Caza
Lisa McGarrity
Lisa McGarrity (www.lisamcgarrity.com ) is an authentic, easy-going and practical psychic medium who has been helping people for over twenty years. Lisa is also owner of the highly popular Long Island metaphysical store Envision Crystal (www.envisioncrystal.com). She believes that everyone has the power to shape and control their lives and she enjoys can help others to develop & harness their power. Lisa has the capability of looking any problem from many points of view & offer guidance, especially when life becomes challenging. Many of life’s challenges have both mystical causes and mystical cures and Lisa helps others to create their own personal, mystical cure.
Website: www.lisamcgarrity.com
Constance Stellas
Born of a Greek background and firmly grounded by her astrological background and studies there, Constance Stellas has been an astrologer for over 20 years. She practices primarily in New York City. Constance’s first book, The Hidden Power of Everyday Things, (November 2000, Simon and Schuster),is a day-by-day guidebook that draws on numerology, astrology, and the Kabbala to pinpoint, according to your birthdate, exactly which materials and objects you need to fill your life with fortune and happiness. It has gone into a second printing and has been featured in the Illinois Star, The Star Ledger, The New York Times and the Bernardsville News.
Website: www.constancestellas.com
Kerrie O’Connor
Kerrie O’Connor has maintained a powerfully educational and lifelong interaction with spirit. Kerrie’s dedication to this partnership continues to expand and refine her astounding ability to energetically “read” a person’s life stories to an extraordinary degree. The basis of her work is found in the LightStream™ material, of which Intuitive LightStream Reading™ is the cornerstone and showcase of Kerrie’s clairvoyant mastery. Her capacity to literally observe the inner, ongoing processes we all go through makes her uniquely qualified to offer the personal, practical guidance that will truly empower any seeking individual or group. Apart from other readers, Kerrie has the ability to communicate with those that have crossed over to reading the energy fields of the living.
Website: http://www.kerrieoconnor.com/
Lisa Caza
Lisa Caza has been a professional clairvoyant medium for 20 years. She is world renowned for her honest – sometimes even blunt clairvoyant readings, but at the same time her in-depth and accurate services are always full of love, wisdom, and compassion for each of her clients. She is also an extremely gifted animal communicator and “occasional medium” (Lisa’s mediumship abilities are quite unique where spirits ultimately seek HER out).
Website: www.lisacaza.com
death show, psychic medium, psychic empath, spirit channeling, Virtues, astrology, Kerrie O’Connor, Lisa Caza, Constance Stellas, Lisa McGarrity