The Power of Positive Thinking With David Essel

todayAugust 2, 2018 10

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David Essel, M. S., is a number one best-selling author (10), counselor, master life coach, international speaker and radio host whose mission is to positively affect 2 million people or more every day, in every area of life, regardless of their current circumstances.

Celebrity Jenny McCarthy says “David Essel is the new leader of the positive thinking movement.”

David’s work of 38 years is also highly endorsed by the late Wayne Dyer, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” author Mark Victor Hansen, as well as many other celebrities and radio and television networks from around the world.

He is verified through Psychology Today as one of the top Counselors and Life Coaches in the USA, and is a “Verified Relationship Expert ” through Marriage.com

David accepts new clients every week into his 1 on 1 programs from around the world.


“I have come to realize that we get out of life what we focus our thoughts on, and just as importantly, what we focus our actions on, on a daily basis. Over the years many people have put the emphasis for our success on the power of thought, from books to DVDs and movies. So what we see today in regards to goal achievement and goal setting is about focusing our thoughts. While this is incredibly important, what you are going to find out in this book, and what I think separates this book from so many other products on personal growth and motivation, is that we are going to look not just at what our mind is doing, but what our actions are doing, or not doing, on a daily basis as well.” David Essel

David Essel, positive thinking, positive energy, relationships, thoughts

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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