Fight For Freedom Or Die In Fear with Gerald Celente

todayOctober 2, 2020 17

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Fight For Freedom Or Die In Fear with Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente, Publisher of the Trends Journal and the Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute appears on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to share his latest insights about the future. Gerald is a firebrand freedom advocate and he’s calling upon all of us to get off our couch-comfortable asses and get into the fight.

Celente, who developed the Globalnomic methodology to identify, track, forecast, and manage trends, is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology, or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “Think for Yourself,” observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are — not for how he wants them to be.

A true American Patriot, Celente owns three pre-Revolutionary stone buildings on the most historic corner in America, where the seeds of Democracy were sown, Colonial Kingston, New York’s first Capital.

Website Link: www.trendsresearch.com

Recent Trends Forecasts

TREND FORECAST: Again, as detailed in this Trends Journal and many others, “cases” do not equal deaths. Moreover, considering most western nations have only partially opened up their economies after being locked up for several months, the economies have not – and, for a long time, will not – recover from thoseharshly imposed measures.

New draconian lockdown rules will drive nations deeper into the “Greatest Depression” while putting more downward pressure on commodities that fall as economies grow weak

TREND FORECAST: The hospitality and tourism sectors will continue to decline with more bankruptcies and greater consolidations. Beyond travel, as the “Greatest Depression” worsens and more companies go out of business, fewer companies will control larger shares of market sectors. As with the “Great Depression,” there will calls for anti-trust legislation. Indeed, it may be a platform of the anti-tax/anti-vax movement.

TREND FORECAST: Once again, the same class of imbecilic school administrators who had kids hiding under their desks in case an atom bomb went off during the Cold War are making up useless rules to follow and regulations to obey during the COVID War. As we had reported in February, many once-thriving college towns will become Rust Belt ghost towns if the strict COVID War rules persist. Beyond having online classes only and restrictions that keep young people inside and not allowed to go out and party… more teens and twenty-somethings will be unwilling to go deep in debt to get a diploma that will be useless in finding them a
decent paying job.

Inside Higher Ed estimates 78 percent of colleges said they would increase recruitment of transfer students to make up for high attrition numbers for the 2020-2021 academic year. The economic impact to small and large businesses in college cities and towns will worsen as enrollments decrease and financial pressures from the “GreatestDepression” increase.

TREND FORECAST: Just as the Roaring ‘20s followed the Spanish Flu, we forecast a “Roaring 2020s” to follow COVID-19 as locked down youngsters hit the streets to let loose and party. From going to speakeasys during the lockdowns and then out to clubs when they are again permitted, there will be numerous OnTrendpreneur® opportunities to create new night club scenes and sounds in the upcoming “Roaring 2020s.”

Gerald Celente Quotes

When people have nothing left to lose, and they’ve lost everything, they lose it.

The greatest fears that governments have are freedom of speech and exposing the corruptness, the ineptitude, and the double dealing going on that they don’t want the public knowing about.

If you don’t prepare, you could lose everything. If you prepare for the worst and nothing happens, you’ve lost nothing.

Remember Motown? Not just the driving music that swept the nation and the world, but the vibrant energy of the Motor City itself, symbolizing the heyday of America. Today, a derelict Detroit is testament to what America has squandered and what it has become.

Voting for the lesser of two evils is voting for your own enslavement.

You’re going to see crime levels in America that are going to rival that of a Third World country. Welcome Mexico City. You’re going to start seeing people being kidnapped in this country like they do in other underdeveloping nations. It’s going to be very violent in America.”


Gerald Celente election 2020 prediction, economic collapse, future of America, civil unrest, COVID-19 hoax, how to fight tyranny, Ryan McCormick, Outer Limits of Inner Truth

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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