Realms of Frequency with Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Rosemary Ellen Guiley is a leading expert in the metaphysical and paranormal fields, with more than 60 books published on a wide range of paranormal, spiritual, and metaphysical topics, including nine single-volume encyclopedias and reference works. Her work is translated into 15 languages. Her current work focuses on inter-dimensional entity contact experiences, problem hauntings, spirit and entity attachments, the afterlife and spirit communications, psychic skills, dreamwork for well-being, spiritual growth and development, angels, past and parallel lives, and investigation of unusual paranormal activity. She has worked full-time in the field since 1983.
Rosemary has done ground-breaking research on Shadow People and the Djinn, entities who are involved in different kinds of paranormal encounters and problems. She investigates and consults in cases of “persistent negative hauntings,” in which individuals are under apparent attack by supernatural forces.
Rosemary is president and owner of Visionary Living, Inc., a publishing and media productions company, and is Executive Editor of FATE Magazine. She is host of Strange Dimensions Radio, a weekly talk show on the KGRA digital broadcast network.
She serves on the board of directors and the research committee of the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE), a scientific organization to educate, support and research the field of ET and entity contact and abduction experiences.
Rosemary is a certified hypnotist with the International Hypnosis Federation, and is trained in bioenergy and Johrei energy healing. She is a Tarot reader, and conducts dreamwork, intuition/psychic development, and past-life recall sessions. She is a Dream Oracle consultant for the DreamSocial.co website.
She has regular radio features on “Exploring Unexplained Phenomena” with Scott Colborn, and “The Conspiracy Show” with Richard Syrett. She is a frequent guest with George Noory on “Coast to Coast AM,” with whom she co-authored Talking to the Dead, about emerging technology for communicating with the dead and other beings. She is featured in documentaries and docu-dramas on the History, A&E, SyFy, Discovery, Animal Planet, Destination America, and Travel channels. She is a popular speaker at conferences, colleges, and universities.
Rosemary has served as visiting faculty for the International Institute for Integral Human Sciences in Montreal. Previously, she was a past board member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies. She lives in Connecticut. Her husband, Joe Redmiles, runs Visionary Living, Inc. with her.
In August 2015 Rosemary was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in the paranormal, from the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society in Michigan. The award was presented at the MI Paracon VI in Sault Ste. Marie.