A Journey From Outer Rage to Inner Sage
According to Jeff Anthony: When we truly become the director of our thoughts, we can change our ways of thinking and overcome the cycles of self-sabotage that inhibit our highest self from emerging. Through this emergence we build a bridge that connects our deep spiritual self with our mental, emotional self; which changes our inner dialogue and the outcome of our lives.
It’s all about choices and what we choose to focus our energy on. The truth is that energy flows where our attention goes. Many people today choose to focus on the negativity in the world around them and wonder why their reality resembles that same chaos that they desire to be free of.
Jeff Anthony is an award winning author, native Texan, and a veteran of the U.S. Navy. His zeal for life experiences carried him and his family to Costa Rica, for a decade, where he took up his healers journey. Follow Jeff’s story as he uncovers empathic and intuitive abilities that led him out of a life of hate and despair to love and harmony. He now lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and two capricious sons sharing his insights and guiding others down the path of self healing.
This honest and brave memoir about personal discovery shows the reader how Anthony became his own hero by overcoming opioid addiction, health struggles, and self sabotage on his quest for spiritual healing. The audience is drawn into Jeff’s journey and root for his success at every turn. It’s an amazing read and leads seekers to six actionable strategies that transformed him from outer rage to inner sage.
If you want to connect more intimately with Jeff visit his website www.journeytoinnersage.com or you can listen to his weekly podcast at www.redesigningreality.com His podcast is available on YouTube, iTunes, and Sticher

healing, spiritual, sage, journey, Jeff Anthony, Dylan Charles, opioid addiction