The Psychological & Spiritual Ramifications Of Killing Someone

todayOctober 15, 2020 22

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The Psychological & Spiritual Ramifications Of Killing Someone

What would you do if you had to make a decision about taking the life of another because they were threatening you or your family? Would you be able to kill that person? Would you be able to live with yourself knowing that you killed that person?

Tonight with five experts we are going to discuss the psychological and spiritual ramifications of killing someone in self defense.

Some recent studies show that as much as 70% of Americans believe that a second Civil War will happen. Should that surprise anyone? Violence not only appears to be increasing in America but, the world in general. Also, in America there’s a massive increase in people who are in favor of Marxism which is the bedrock of some of the worst totalitarian regimes in the history of humanity. It’s like this evil cult that a lot people have been captured by. Also, people in evil cults act immoral.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who wish to be left alone and those who won’t leave others alone. 100% of conflicts happen because of the second group.

At the end of the day, let’s all hope that peace prevails.

In Order of Appearance
04:23 – Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H / Forensic Psychiatrist
18.58 – Lou Telano / President of New York Veterans Police Association
41.20 – Bob Reynolds / National Firearms Expert & Teacher
54.02 – Edward Carswell / Preparedness Expert
1:10:31 -Nanci Danison / Near Death Experience Survivor

Extended Bios

About Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H
Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. is a board-certified Beverly Hills psychiatrist and an award-winning and bestselling author. She was trained at NYU-Bellevue and at Anna Freud’s London Clinic. She has served on the Clinical Faculty of UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute for years.

When Dr. Carole isn’t seeing patients or testifying at trials as a forensic psychiatrist/expert witness, she’s working as a three-time, Emmy-honored TV personality who has appeared on Oprah, the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, HLN, ET, ABC, CBS, NBC and many more.

Additionally, Dr. Carole hosts two radio shows/podcasts and travels the world speaking about her books, especially her latest book for children (and their parents and teachers), Lions and Tigers and Terrorists, Oh My! How to Protect Your Child in a Time of Terror (Troika Publishing).

Website: https://terroristtherapist.com

About Lou Telano
A strong no-nonsense veteran of the New York City Police Department, Lou Telano’s career in Law Enforcement spanned over 5 decades. Lou’s career began back in the early 60’s as a New York City Correction Officer at “The Halls of Justice” a historic facility commonly known as the “The Tombs.” Lou became an undercover officer that his career began to take off. Detective Telano soon achieved the reputation as one of the most innovative and one of the toughest cops in New York City. Along with his partner John Sepe, they are credited with one of the highest number of arrests in New York City’s history.

Lou is the President of New York Veterans Police Association. The NYVPA is the oldest Police organization in the US; they have been out front supporting and raising awareness of important law enforcement issues since 1891. Their membership is over 8,000 strong and consists of police (both active and retired) from a broad base of law enforcement including City, State, Local and Federal agencies. From the Halls of Justice through the Halls of Congress Lou’s career has yielded him over 75 awards and citations and placed him next to Mayors, Governors, Senators, Presidents, and dignitaries from all over the world. Tough, seasoned and professional, that’s Lou Telano!

Website – http://streetwisepro.com/

About Edward Carswell
Edward Carswell is a Preparedness Expert who engages millions of people each week with his PrepperNurse1 Channel on YouTube.

PrepperNurse1 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKiWkOHHZfVSWUlHDdAuQZw
Website: https://preppernurse1.com/

About Nanci Danison
Nanci L. Danison, JD’s is a writer, a retired health care lawyer and former litigator in a prestigious 270-attorney law firm, licensed private pilot, and former licensed private investigator. She holds a BS degree magna cum laude in the double majors of chemistry and biology, a BA degree magna cum laude in psychology, and a doctorate in jurisprudence. After a near death experience, Nanci left the security of her big law firm, started a successful solo practice in health law, and wrote her first book “Backwards: Returning to Our Source for Answers.” This book and others provide vivid descriptions of the author’s death, entry into the Light, receipt of knowings that answered all her questions, meeting beloved Light Being friends, having a life review, recalling hundreds of previous lives, and witnessing Creation of the universe and mankind’s history of religions.

Website: www.Backwardsbooks.com


psychology of killing someone, America’s second civil war, will I go to hell for killing someone?, Near Death Experience, violence increasing in America, self defense, SHTF, PTSD from killing someone, psychology, Dr. Carole Lieberman, Nanci Danison, Lou Tellano, Edward Carswell, Ryan McCormick, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Mental Health News Radio Network

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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