Air Date: Jan 7th @ 10 pm est
According to Channeler Marilyn Harper, there is an inter-dimensional council of light beings (Jesus & Buddha are two members) that is attempting to help collective humanity raise it’s vibration. Ms. Harper reveals to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth what actions the council is taking right now and how people can help their efforts. Later in the show Ms. Harper channels Adironnda (spokesperson for the council) and answers questions you won’t hear anywhere else.
Marilyn Harper: She’s been called the “MidwesternSpiritual Sparkplug…” and the Bette Midler of the New Age movement.
Marilyn is a renowned public speaker, facilitator, Spiritual teacher and channel of Adironnda & Company.
She is invited back again and again as a featured speaker at conferences, retreats and workshops for her warm, authentic and off-beat stories of personal transformation – delivered in a way that’s hilarious, heartfelt and inspiring.
Marilyn is an internationally recognized expert on the walk-in phenomenon. She humorously points out that it took three car accidents before she awakened to her true calling as a channel and began developing her spiritual gifts.
In her work as a speaker, facilitator and healer, Marilyn’s goal is to provide fun experiences and practical methods to help people laugh, love, and live the life they are here to live in joy, peace love and laughter.
About Adironnda: Adironnda is a spokes-being from the 17th Dimension, channeled through Marilyn.
“They, Adironnda & Company, represent a council of guides, angels, Master Teachers no longer in physical form” and deliver messages to help awaken the people of this planet . They are loving and funny and gently assist in the healing the heart, the past and activate whatever is in your highest good to be activated for the betterment of humanity.