Freedom VS Tyranny with Daniel McAdams
Daniel McAdams, Co-Host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report discusses the state of domestic and global freedom. McAdams discusses how he and other freedom advocates try each day to awaken their fellow citizens from an ever entrenching comfort coma and rendezvous affair with Orwellian tyranny. McAdams also offers inspiration and advice for patriots who refuse to capitulate before the state.
Daniel McAdams is Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com) and Co-Host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, a popular daily Internet news and discussion program. He was senior advisor to US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) on foreign policy, military, intelligence, civil liberties, and immigration from 2001 until Paul’s retirement in 2013. Before that he spent seven years covering the political transition in Eastern Europe from Budapest, Hungary. His writing has been featured widely in the US and international press and he is a frequent guest on television and radio programs worldwide.
Freedom, Ron Paul Liberty Report, Daniel McAdams interview, peace, fight against tyranny, hope for the future, America’s collapse, Ryan McCormick, Outer Limits of Inner Truth