Natural Health Optimization with Mike Adams

todayJuly 4, 2016 16

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Outer Limits of Inner Truth Mike Adams

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth presents an introspective interview with Mike Adams.

Adams who is Founder of Natural News (NaturalNews.com) encompasses several ways how you can improve your physical health. Adams also discusses the futility of flu shots and vaccinations. We have been wanting to interview Mike Adams for two years and we’re very thankful he came on our show.

Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger,” is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director.

He is the founder and editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet’s most-trafficked natural health news website. He is also the creator of CounterThink.com, FoodInvestigations.com,HealingFoodReference.com, HonestFoodGuide.org and several other websites covering natural health topics.

Adams is a prolific writer and has been called “the best health and natural products writer on the scene today.” (by Ronnie Cummins, founder, Organic Consumers Association)

Adams has received accolades and testimonials from several key influencers in the natural health space, including Dr. Michael T. Murray and raw food pioneer David Wolfe (see testimonials, below).

Mike Adams is widely recognized as having a strong technical aptitude that has allowed his websites to achieve very high degrees of success on the internet. He is also widely known to be a highly influential writer and presenter.

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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