Kerrie O’Connor Presents “Opening Up Your Multidimensional SIGHT” Webminar
Thursday July 10th
Thursday July 17th
Thursday July 24th
Join Kerrie in this threepart series that takes you on a journey of how to open up your multidimensional sight.
Throughout the “New Age” teachings we have been hearing the word multidimensional for years. “We are multidimensional beings having a multidimensional experience”. But what does it all mean? How does it affect our daily lives? Can everyone open up their multidimensional sight?
We are continuously evolving souls who in our ancient past were connected to our multidimensional sight. When artists painted halos around saints or Master Teachers they were actually seeing, sensing our multidimensional bodies. Kerrie will help you navigate through the world of multidimensionality. She will guide you so you can begin to open your multidimensional sight. Kerrie has been able to see the different dimensions since she was born. She began a journey at a young age to understand all that she was seeing.
As a young child her teachers were Guides, Non-Visible Beings that taught her many things. They showed her how to perceive ourselves, the world, and the universe on a multidimensional level. Then in her 20’s the Beings guided her to study many different healing techniques and different teachings. She studied everything from Reiki to Shamanism, Buddhism to Dao. The different teachings and techniques taught her the language to be able to explain to others about multidimensionality.
As Kerrie said many times 2013 – 2015 is a bridging time. A time for humanity to go beyond the way we see, interact with each other, the Earth and the Universe. Join Kerrie as she takes you on a “guided tour” to reconnect yourself to seeing, sensing, feeling on a multidimensional level.
Class 1 – Thursday July 10th
- History of our connection to psychic sight
- What is multidimensional sight? Why everyone has the ability to realign, reconnect to being the multidimensional beings we are
- Opening all your perception abilities using all of our senses
- Seeing, Feeling, Sensing and Knowing yourself as a multidimensional Being.
- Attunements to realign, reactivate your sight
Class 2 – Thursday July 17th
- The endocrine systems has pathways to connect us to our advanced intuition
- Deeper techniques and practices that open and strengthen pathways
- Attunements that opens the pineal gland and Bands of Light
Class 3 – Thursday July 24th
- Sharing our experiences – Kerrie will teach you how to interpret our multidimensionality
- Showing pathways to perceive yourself, Earth and the Universe on a totally different level
- Attunement to open and strengthen pathways to fully connect to the activated Light Body
For reservations, please e-mail Wendy at: union1111@yahoo.com