An introspective interview with iconic writer, producer, and author Deborah M. Pratt
Deborah M. Pratt’s Hollywood career began by singing with Dean Martin, Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly and Sammy Davis, Jr. As the co-creator, co-executive producer, head writer, and the voice of “Ziggy” on the television series Quantum Leap, she is a force in Hollywood as well as in the realms of science fiction, fantasy, mystery and spirituality. The Vision Quest series is Pratt’s opus, and its timeless message of hope, bravery, and redemption are more poignant today than ever before.

We all feel massive changes brewing and occurring on planet Earth — what will global warming bring? What kind of results can we predict from genetic engineering? And robotics? How about terrorism? What challenges will face us in the year 2165?
Perhaps … if we can imagine some of them now, we can strengthen our resolve and better prepare ourselves to be warriors for the light as the future unfolds. “We’re moving faster with our science and technology than our morals are evolving,” says Deborah M. Pratt. “We’re going to have to live in the future we create so it is up to us to become responsible for what we’re creating.”
Deborah M. Pratt was co-creator and co-Executive Producer and Head Writer of the groundbreaking television series “Quantum Leap”. Her new project, THE VISION QUEST, is poised to sweep into its orbit millions of “Leapers” around the world, as well as multitudes of new fans of her exciting, visionary new multi-platform media project.
THE VISION QUEST BOOK SERIES ANIVERSARY EDITION – All 5 of the newly revised Vision Quest series of books 1) The ATLANTIAN, 2) THE ACADEMY 3) THE ODYSSEY 4) PANAZI 5) SALVATION are due to be released Soring 2017. The TVQ series which introduces the characters and situations of a new and unified futuristic earth will take the reader on a classic call to adventure.
Pratt has imbued THE VISION QUEST with socio-political content, as well as technological, environmental, economic and spiritual implications. “It’s a critical time,” says Pratt, “and I’m intending that THE VISION QUEST provokes people to find and manifest their highest calling.”
Deborah M. Pratt has a fascinating background, which includes starting her Hollywood career singing with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly and Sammy Davis, Jr. She’s a terrific interview, with lots to say about spirituality, the media and the world we live in.