By Psychic Medium & OLIT Virtue, Lisa Caza
Nope! Resurrection and reincarnation are actually two slightly different concepts.
Resurrection is when the spirit re-enters THE SAME BODY, in the same life time, and in the same life circumstance. The most widely-known example of resurrection is of course the rise of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Reincarnation on the other hand is when the spirit decides, upon leaving the physical body, to be re-born into a NEW BODY, in a different time, and in and entirely different set of life circumstances.
Does Reincarnation and Resurrection Really Exist, or Is It All Just Fantasy?
In terms of resurrection, besides the example of Jesus, did you know that thousands of people are resurrected every day? That’s right … thousands … and every day.
I’m sure you’ve heard about Near Death Experiences (I don’t know why they call it that because the people actually do die! There’s nothing “near” about it LOL!). You know those folks who for example pass away while on the operating table and they go on quite the beautiful journey … that is until their spirits decide to return to their bodies. That is a resurrection. People who have clinically died but then returned back into their bodies to tell us their stories.
Another clear example of a person resurrecting is when they die (momentarily) from a heart attack and are then brought back to life by the emt’s shocking them with thousands of volts of electricity with the defibrillator. So yes indeed … resurrection occurs all the time.
So too does reincarnation. However, it is reincarnation that is slightly harder for some people to believe in (although I really don’t know why – if we can resurrect then why can’t we reincarnate?). Thankfully, because of the extensive research by the well-respected psychologist Dr. Ian Stephenson between the 1930’s and 1970’s, he’s “proven” it for us.
For the skeptics within us, to find “proof” of reincarnation, we must do what he did and look towards our children. Because young children haven’t been exposed too much to social conditioning, they have such uninhibited innocence and can thus remember and see things that us adults cannot. Dr. Stephenson documented (and proven) well over 4000 cases from all over the world. I would outline some of those cases for you here, but knowing me I’d just continue on and on. There is in fact THAT MUCH documentation on past lives! So I will leave you to that – to do your own reading up on Dr Ian Stephenson and the cases he studied. Here is one link to get you started: Children Who Remember Past Lives
Why Are Children Studied and Not Adults For Reincarnation?
Well as mentioned children haven’t been exposed as much as what we have to social conditioning. As a result, and combined with that uninhibited innocence, they aren’t blocked spiritually. Their openness allows them to not only remember past lives, but to also see spirits for example.
Children start to talk about seeing spirits and remembering past lives usually when they first begin to talk – so anywhere between the ages of 2 and 4. But then, it is almost always between the ages of 5 and 8 that they start to “lose” those memories and abilities (due to more social conditioning exposure). And I personally can attest to that for it indeed was around age 8 that my recurring dreams about tornadoes finally stopped.
Does Everyone Reincarnate or Have Past Lives?
Actually, no! Indeed the majority of the population on the earth right now has in fact been reincarnated at least once before. However, in the last 20 years there have been a number of “new spirits” being born – spirits who have never been incarnated before. The majority of those new spirits make up the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children populace – and they have come here with very important purposes (which is another discussion for another day).
Upon passing, each and every one of us are given a choice. That’s right … a choice … as to whether we wish to reincarnate or not. We always will have free will … even in the spirit realm. So with that said, some of us will be re-born while others will wish to stay in spirit. It’s left entirely up to our spirits on what we wish to do.
And with that choice – should we choose to return – we likewise choose when we will be re-born, what kind of life we will be born into, what parents will raise us, and what life circumstances/events we wish to experience.
Are There Any Clues or Signs That Point to Past Lives For Us Adults to Look For (within ourselves as well as our children)?
Yes. One I just mentioned a few moments ago: recurring dreams. I will tell you about one of my past lives at the end of this article in order to illustrate a few of these points.
Other signs/clues for your past lives include:
* having unexplained fears, unexplained behaviors, unexplained beliefs
* having knowledge about certain concepts/topics/interests that you’ve never been taught in this life time.
* having a strange drawing or attraction/interest to certain time periods in history
* having a weird sensation that you’ve known a certain individual before from somewhere (which shows you a past life connection between yourself and this particular individual)
* acting older than what you really are (wise beyond your years – you are an ‘old soul’)
* noticing a physical likeness between yourself and another individual that lived in the past
* Another clue too is if you actually are aware of a certain past life, if you know the actual name/person that you were back then, you may notice parallels between your life today and the past life (i.e. same career path, same interests, same personality, or conversely the exact opposite – I did a past life reading for a person where in a past life they were severely disabled – in this current life they compensated for that past disability by excelling in sports, running, and other physical activities!).
I Want To Know If I Was Somebody Very Famous in a Past Life.
While this CAN happen … I hate to burst your bubble but you need to realize the millions of people on this planet today. It just isn’t feasible for everyone to have been someone noteworthy in a past life. So if you expect to receive a past life reading telling you that you were a king or rock star, well I wouldn’t bet on it. Like I say of course there is that chance … but that chance in itself is relatively minute. Of course everyone wants to be famous – that’s our human ego talking. However, realistically-speaking not all of us can be. Also realize that we are born into whatever life experience/circumstance that our SPIRITS decided upon before even being born. So if we are meant to experience the fame and glamor, we will. But it entirely depends upon our spirit’s growth needs.
What Is the Purpose to Getting a Past Life Reading?
Delving into our past lives actually gives us very enlightening and interesting tidbits of information about ourselves. Past lives can explain our fears, our behaviors, our interests, our personalities, our habits, our beliefs and morals, etc. In knowing just what caused a certain fear for example allows us to ultimately HEAL and OVERCOME the fear in this life time. Looking into past lives basically allows us to understand ourselves … and on much deeper levels.
To learn more about Lisa Caza, please visit www.lisacaza.com