20 Questions I’d Ask Tony Robbins

todayFebruary 9, 2010

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If you want Tony Robbins to answer these 20 deep questions below, please tweet him. Thank you.

Have you ever listed to one of your own CD’s or read one of your books for purpose of bringing yourself out of a negative state of mind?

You’ve shared your story about the day you became rich. How did you conclude that you deserved great things? Was it based in is disdain for scarcity – seeking to run from scarcity as fast & far as possible knowing that you would arrive at abundance? Did ever you think that deserving abundance was a form of grace or a karmic reward that the universe owed you for allowing you to sustain so much abuse earlier in your life?

Do you think that higher intellect is a reflection of the degree for which one can maximize the compassion they are able to show others or a reflection of the degree for which they can suppress it and withhold it from others?

What was the most painful experience of your life and how did it affect your ambition, creativity, and ability to feel deserving of good things? Are you still transcending this painful experience?

Lao Tzu once said “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Of all the things that you did to attempt to expand your consciousness and awareness, what where the two that were the most profound and had the biggest impact?

Have you ever attained a career victory or milestone that actually brought you a considerable amount of psychological pain in the days after?

Do you think that if children aren’t taught the joy of wining and the pain of losing early in their lives that they will naturally lust for comfort and not properly develop their passions for achievement?

Do you actively seek truth & wisdom and if so, are you willing to embrace ideas and concepts even if they are a total affront to some of your long held moral & spiritual beliefs?

Some people will come to your seminars and they’ll be immersed in your intense love & presence and have that love be reflected back to them by those in attendance. However, weeks and months after the seminar some of these people may revert right back to their previous disempowering lifestyles. What are some of the common reasons why that happens and why do you think some people find it difficult to be able to light & sustain the fire in their own hearts?

At one point in your documentary “I’m Not Your Guru” I observed that the Root Chakra balancing ambience sound was playing. Was this done with or without the audiences’ awareness? Do you ever incorporate metaphysical teachings at the front or subliminal level in your seminars?

How do you manage to help Clients whose lifestyle choices may be a complete contradiction to yours and whose lifestyle may or may not actually be hurting others?

For hundreds of years cultures across the globe have had arch-type initiations which mark the official transitions from boys to men, from girls to women, from apprentices to masters, from workers to warriors. In today’s modern era one could observe that traditional masculinity & femininity are under assault unlike any other time in history. What are some of your recommendations for some modern day arch-type initiations for boys & girls that will put them on the path to mature & responsible adulthood?

You have said that the abuse you sustained at the hands of your Mother made you the person you are today. However, are there aspects of that abuse that you feel has irreparably damaged your capability to feel and experience certain things in life had you not gone through the abuse?

In many organized religions, it is taught that there is a supreme being that that exerts its will upon all of life and events within it. Do you find that people who are in organized religion are more likely to be predisposed to not being able to take full responsibility of their lives & actions because they feel it’s out of their hands and in fate of another?

In some organized religions, guilt is reinforced though teachings that certain actions and thoughts are sinful despite clearly being in the best interests. If a person passionately seeks to be fulfilled and go beyond their current acceptance of what life is, will inevitably come to a crisis of conscious and faith having to choose between themselves and that of their religion?

What are some of the ways that you have healed your inner child and what was the most extravagant way that you’ve spoiled your inner child?

Do a keep a constant awareness and vigilance about sounds and visuals that you know can trigger you back into a previous life state of insecurity or mental paralysis from post traumatic stress disorder?

Within two minutes of meeting a person, what four key pieces of insight are you most often able to garner about them?

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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