chung fu

9 Results / Page 1 of 1



Outer Limits of Inner Truth Commemorates It’s 10-Year Anniversary

Dear Listeners: It is with great joy to announce that the Outer Limits of Inner Truth has commemorated its 10-year anniversary. 90% of podcasts don’t get past episode 3. Of the 200,000 left, 90% will quit after 20 episodes. To be in the top 1%, only 21 shows need to air. OLIT has published 431 episodes (a total runtime of 18d 20h 45m 8s). THANK YOU so much for all […]

todayMarch 13, 2024 4


Advanced Teachings of Ascended Being Chung Fu

Since the Outer Limits of Inner Truth came into existence, Ascended Being Chung Fu (channeled by Sally Pullinger) has been a huge part of the show. Chung Fu (or "Mr. Fu" as Ryan calls him) offer a series of teachings for those already on the spiritual journey. This interview focuses on what his happening in the world and how light warriors can engage the unprecedented evil that is a foot […]

todayFebruary 19, 2021 19


An Interview with Ascended Being Chung Fu – Part V

Channeled Spirit Chung Fu (making his fifth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth) is an ascended being who returns to share insights on the rapid global transformation of consciousness happening before our very eyes. Mr. Fu discusses the purpose of light beings on earth right now, what life is like in the non-physical realms, how we can triumph against the dark, how each one of us can connect […]

todayNovember 28, 2018 13


Ascended Being Chung Fu – Part IV

Chung Fu is an ascended being who has been bringing his teachings through to humanity for at least the last 50 years. Chung Fu chose his name from the I Ching, Hexagram 61, meaning Inner Truth. Chung Fu has been speaking through Sally Pullinger for over 40 years. The thread of Inner Truth that runs throughout the teachings of Chung Fu, can also be followed as it runs through the […]

todayAugust 29, 2017 19


Legendary Metaphysical Visionary Stuart Wilde

Author of over 20 books on Spirituality & Personal Development, Stuart Wilde ( was considered by many to be the greates metaphysician in the world. Deepak Choopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers have privately studied with him

todayApril 30, 2017 59


The Widsom & Light of Chung Fu: Part Three

Channeled Spirit Chung Fu (who did his first ever radio interview on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth in 2014) returns with Sally Pullinger to answer more questions about life & the nature of our reality. Topics that are covered include: The reason for the illusion of time, how to tell if a channeled spirit has peaceful or malicious intentions, how expansion of consciousnesses in this realty impacts your existence […]

todayJanuary 22, 2016 2


Chung Fu’s ‘Deep Soul Immersion’

There will be 5 sessions of transmission from Spirit Guide Chung Fu (each lasting approximately 2 hrs) over the weekend, and 2 further sessions for personal check-ins – you will need to be available for all the events, they are - Fri 8pm, and Sat & Sun 9am, 3pm and 8pm (UK time).

todayJanuary 16, 2016 4


EXCLUSIVE: Chung Fu Part II: Features Round Table Discussion With OLIT Virtues

Channeled Spirit Chung Fu (or Mr. Fu as we call him) returns to the Outer Limits Of Inner Truth. The second conversation will cover topics such as if you see your dreams during your life review when death occurs, the future of humanity and tips on speeding up your own evolution. This show will also feature OLIT Virutes Kerrie O'Connor, Laura Lyn, and Lisa Caza asking Mr. Fu questions in […]

todayApril 6, 2015 12


EXCLUSIVE: First Ever Recorded Interview With Channeled Spirit Chung Fu

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Channeled Spirit “Chung Fu” Who’s Teachings & Works Have Inspired Millions Will Do His First Ever Media Interview on The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Show. On Thursday, Oct 2nd @ 10 pm EST, the nationally syndicated “Outer Limits Of Inner Truth” ( radio show presented the first ever recorded media interview with the channeled spirit known as “Chung Fu.” Since the early 1970’s Chung Fu’s teachings […]

todayDecember 1, 2014 4
