Minisode: How The Lunar Eclipse of July 2018 Will Impact You

The blood moon 2018 (which happens on July 27) will be the longest total lunar eclipse this century. Astrologer Constance Stellas reveals what signs will be most affected by this Lunar Eclipse
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Super, Blood, Harvest Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

This weekend we will see a rare combo: an eclipse which is both a Super and a Blood Moon. This makes this particular eclipse highly charged. As I mentioned in previous blogs, a Super Moon is when the moon is closer to the earth than usual. A Blood Moon can occur only during a Total Lunar Eclipse; as the earth moves between the Sun and the Moon the way light is refracted gives a reddish tinge to the Moon. And finally the Harvest Moon is the name farmers have always given to the September Full Moon because it is the time for harvest. Continue Reading →