mercury in retrograde

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What Astrology Reveals About The Near Future with Dr. Scott Keller

What Astrology Reveals About The Near Future with Dr. Scott Keller Astrologer, Medical Intuitive, Ayurvedic Specialist and Chiropractor Dr. Scott Keller has been a New York State, Board-certified practicing chiropractic physician for 27 years, Astrologer, Medical Intuitive and Ayurvedic Physician. He worked as a practicing physician and metaphysician at the Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), The Edgar Cayce foundation in Manhattan which he began in 1995. Dr. Scott has […]

todayJune 5, 2021 20


Minisode: Tips For Surviving Mercury In Retrograde

Many people know about the pesky planetary pattern which happens three times a year: MERCURY RETROGRADE What does it mean? Astronomers agree that periodically Mercury appears to go backwards in his orbit. I say appears because no one is sitting on Mercury and saying "Oh, now we are spinning in a different direction." The best explanation for this planetary motion is: You feel as if you are going backwards.

todayMarch 23, 2018 18


Pepsi, United Airlines, Spicer – Is Mercury In Retrograde The Culprit Behind Theses Communication Disasters?

Mercury as you may know was the messenger god of the ancient Romans. In Greek mythology he was called Hermes. He was a trickster who enjoyed chaos and miss-communication. In astrology, the planet Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year. This means that the planet from the earth’s perspective seems to be travelling backward. This is a time of confused mental thinking, misplaced speech and electronic/computer breakdowns.

todayApril 14, 2017

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Easing Through a Retrograde Mercury

Have you ever heard of the challenging time period called Mercury Retrograde? During this time even people who don't usually follow astrology often look at me with dread and say "It's a retrograde Mercury, isn't it?" Not to worry: this celestial phenomenon can be a productive time for us if we keep certain things in mind.

todaySeptember 17, 2015
