past life

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5 Year Anniversary of Outer Limits of Inner Truth

On February 27th, 2014 the Outer Limits of Inner Truth premiered on BlogTalk Radio. It was (and still is) "The World's Only Show About Forensic Soul Analysis." Hosted by Ryan McCormick (a Metaphysical Journalist, Publicist & "The Before Guy" in weight loss commercials), the program also featured a Lightworker SWAT Team (known as the Virtues) that included: Psychic Medium Kerrie O'Connor, Astrologer Constance Stellas, Psychic Empath Lisa Caza

todayFebruary 27, 2019 28


Past Life Memories with Diane Brandon

Do you have a memory of a past life? Discover an amazing phenomenon that has not been widely discussed or studied―some people have a conscious spiritual awareness at birth that is mature and clear. Diane Brandon who is an Intuitive & Author of "Born Aware" explores effects of having been born aware, what we can learn from this phenomenon, and the implications for human consciousness and spirituality. This innate awareness […]

todayMay 19, 2017 18


What Is Reincarnation & Is Reincarnation and Resurrection the Same Thing?

Resurrection is when the spirit re-enters THE SAME BODY, in the same life time, and in the same life circumstance. The most widely-known example of resurrection is of course the rise of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Reincarnation on the other hand is when the spirit decides, upon leaving the physical body, to be re-born into a NEW BODY, in a different time, and in and entirely different set of […]

todaySeptember 25, 2015 1


OLIT Featured On “Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge” Radio Show!

When a highly respected & globally recognized radio program dedicates a show about another radio program, it’s something that should perk up ears. The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Show will be Featured On “Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge” which is featured on the Awakening Zone Network. In addition to OLIT Host Ryan McCormick, it will feature all four OLIT Virtues that include Kerrie O’Connor, Constance Stellas, […]

todayNovember 25, 2014


Soul Analysis On Wrestling Legend Mick Foley

  Mick Foley is a legendary professional wrestler, turned multi-time best-selling author , turned stand-up comic/spoken word performer. One of the cornerstones of WWE’s meteoric rise in the late 90’s, Mick Foley earned the nickname ‘The Hardcore Legend’ for his ability to absorb seemingly inhuman punishment in some of the most dramatic matches in sports-entertainment history. Already a respected veteran for his 11 physically punishing years wrestling under the name […]

todayAugust 23, 2014


What Is Reincarnation? Is Reincarnation and Resurrection the Same Thing?

By Lisa Caza ( Nope! Resurrection and reincarnation are actually two slightly different concepts. Resurrection is when the spirit re-enters THE SAME BODY, in the same life time, and in the same life circumstance. The most widely-known example of resurrection is of course the rise of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Reincarnation on the other hand is when the spirit decides, upon leaving the physical body, to be re-born into […]

todayApril 22, 2014 3
