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Show Promos

Astro Heroes To Premiere Soon!

[NOTE: Outer Limits of Inner Truth Virtue, Constance Stellas' long awaited comic book "Astro Heroes" has been picked up and will be available soon! Here is a preview below. By Constance Stellas The realm of imagination is what I'd like to share today. Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time two archetypal characters, Nefos and Zalinda, lived and ruled as one. Their reign was golden because Nefos' […]

todayJune 25, 2015


EXCLUSIVE: Chung Fu Part II: Features Round Table Discussion With OLIT Virtues

Channeled Spirit Chung Fu (or Mr. Fu as we call him) returns to the Outer Limits Of Inner Truth. The second conversation will cover topics such as if you see your dreams during your life review when death occurs, the future of humanity and tips on speeding up your own evolution. This show will also feature OLIT Virutes Kerrie O'Connor, Laura Lyn, and Lisa Caza asking Mr. Fu questions in […]

todayApril 6, 2015 12


Outer Limits Of Inner Truth One Year Anniversary Celebration

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth on BlogTalkRadio Whether you believe in the possibilities of ESP or the laws science, you might have had a challenge in ignoring the “Outer Limits Of Inner Truth” radio show. The metaphysical / biographical program premiered on February 27th, 2014 and within a few short months, it was picked up for national syndication on Star […]

todayFebruary 25, 2015 1


EXCLUSIVE: The Future of Humanity & Media Broadcasting with Michael Harrison

Air Date: 12/28 @ 8 pm EST We have a special broadcast for you however, it is not a forensic soul analysis. It is be an exclusive with Mr. Michael Harrison who is the Founder & Editor of Talkers Magazine. TALKERS magazine (www.talkers.com) is the leading trade publication serving the talk media industry in America. It was dubbed “The Bible of Talk Radio” by Business Week Magazine. Mr. Harrison talks […]

todayDecember 28, 2014 1


EXCLUSIVE: First Ever Recorded Interview With Channeled Spirit Chung Fu

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Channeled Spirit “Chung Fu” Who’s Teachings & Works Have Inspired Millions Will Do His First Ever Media Interview on The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Show. On Thursday, Oct 2nd @ 10 pm EST, the nationally syndicated “Outer Limits Of Inner Truth” (www.outerlimitsradio.com) radio show presented the first ever recorded media interview with the channeled spirit known as “Chung Fu.” Since the early 1970’s Chung Fu’s teachings […]

todayDecember 1, 2014 4


OLIT Featured On “Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge” Radio Show!

When a highly respected & globally recognized radio program dedicates a show about another radio program, it’s something that should perk up ears. The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Show will be Featured On “Sandie Sedgbeer: Conversation at the Cutting Edge” which is featured on the Awakening Zone Network. In addition to OLIT Host Ryan McCormick, it will feature all four OLIT Virtues that include Kerrie O’Connor, Constance Stellas, […]

todayNovember 25, 2014


The Essence of Faith Within You / Featuring Scott Suprina

On November 26th at 10 pm EST, The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth will feature a forensic soul analysis on business maverick and CEO of Seating Solutions, Scott Suprina. We bring Mr. Suprina to your attention because in the course of our interview he offers several brief pieces of advice that you can utilize to improve your own life. My favorite part of our interview is when Mr. Suprina discusses […]

todayNovember 16, 2014


A Forensic Soul Analysis On Jane Velez-Mitchell

Tonight we are proud and very excited to be doing a forensic soul analysis on one of the most accomplished, beloved, and respected TV journalists in American history, Ms. Jane Velez Mitchell. For six years, Ms. Mitchell’s prime time national TV program captivated millions of people worldwide. Ms. Mitchell is also a best selling author and a passionate animal rights advocate. We bring Ms. Mitchell to your attention tonight because […]

todayNovember 8, 2014 1
