Georrge Sarris was born in New York City and grew up in New Rochelle NY. After doing ok in high school had no idea what he wanted to do with his life so he went down to the New York Stock Exchange and took a job as a messenger.
After about 3 months hustling as a messenger he was hired as a clerk by one of the member firms.
After 10 years of extremely hard work, never calling in sick and being in what he calls “Beast Mode” he earned a Seat on The New York Stock Exchange.
“Hard Work .. treat everyone right and “treat each day like it was the Super Bowl because it is”
George held a seat on the NYSE for 10 years before finally retiring at 41.
After retiring from Wall St. George sat around for few days and thought …whats next …and wanted to try stand up comedy … “I actually did it just to see if I had the guts to do it … I never
really enjoyed it because it was too stressful .. even compared to the NYSE .. it was too stressful. I had more fun just hanging out with the people”
He made so many great friends in 3 months doing stand up he want to figure out a way to stay around .. but not have the stress of getting up on the stage every time.
“I didn’t wanna just leave … I was having a ball with all the people I met, and love being in the trenches thats where it happens ..in the trenches .. it doesn’t happen in the Ivory Towers… I’m comfortable in the trenches .. That’s all I know .. People were shocked when they found out my background and that I’d rather be in hell hole then anywhere else, I’d rather be grinding, trying to make something happen”.
I figured out … instead of using the clubs … why don’t we do our own show? .. Get a place … do our own show? That turned into … Why don’t we do it for 3 nights and make a festival? .. So thats how that all started.
One of the talent coordinators for the Letterman show was on the scene as a comedian … George heard he was a great guy ..”So I just approached in my hawaiian shorts started talking and told him my idea .. I just wanted to know if it was a good idea? and he said …”Ill Do it!” … So I figured it must be a good idea if he wanted to do it .. momentum causes momentum”
So I knew we had him on board and we were in great shape.
I sent letters to all media outlets and calendar of events editors, everyone … I wanted to blow it up and with everyones
help especially my business partner Jim, we did.
The next year was 50 events in 20 venues.
Then 300 shows in 50 venues in all five boroughs … 30 libraries & hospital shows .. charity shows raising 100.000 dollars for the VFW’s “Operation Uplink.
Then Mayor Bloomberg gave us a “Proclamation for our festivals good works.”
We we’re mentioned on every media outlet possible from “The Today Show” down … XM Radio
broadcasting the shows, AOL Comedy filming and showing the comedians on AOL Comedy,
and doing a show for AEG’s “Network Live” …. after they did “Live 8” they wanted to get into comedy,
After the show we put together for them, AEG said we want you to help run the comedy division, then
AEG decide not to do comedy .. that was a tough one to swallow.”
The last year I wasn’t gonna be happy until there was a show on every continent and it was 24/7 and we did that ..
Shows in Asia, Australia, South Africa, Europe and the U.S.after that I had enough I was tired.
Needing a change of scenery he moved to Austin Texas to relax …”Now I’m starting to get involved in things again
starting SarrisMedia and doing photography & some videos I don’t solicit any work .. it still finds me .. 5 years after
leaving NY the army of people I left behind are loyal and starting to run things so I get asked by them to do things
in Austin or projects I can do by not leaving Austin”
“I won’t do anything halfway or work on anything half way .. I play by NY rules where the bar is as high as it can be ..
“You have to be so good you can’t be ignored”
Its 99% hard work and knowing how to treat people and try to get them thinking that way.