
Transcription of Dr. Steven Greer’s appearance on The Outer Limits of Inner Truth

todayOctober 26, 2019 3

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Dr. Steven Greer’s appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth in 2018 got a huge response. Many of our Listeners have been asking for a transcript of the interview. It’s our pleasure to present it below.

Transcription of Dr. Steven Greer’s appearance on The Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show (2018).

Interviewer (Ryan McCormick): Joining us now is Dr. Steven M. Greer, he’s the founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, The Orion Project, and Sirius Technology Advanced Research. He is also author of a phenomenal book called ‘Unacknowledged’, which I think it’s the most viewed documentary on iTunes for 2017, and it only was on there for 3 months (it’s been viewed several millions of times). You can learn more about Dr. Greer by going to his website at www.siriusdisclosure.com. Dr. Greer, it’s a great honor to have you with us today, thank you for being with us.

Dr. Greer: I’m happy to be here, thank you.

Interviewer: Thank you. Dr. Greer, what are your initial thoughts about the recent UFO acknowledgments? It seems that the Pentagon has come out say, “Hey, by the way, we have a UFO program, and there’s a massive sighting in California.” And what I’m particularly subtle about is the fact that this information came out and it’s not on the cover of every national newspaper and the fact that most people aren’t talking about it, they’re sort of talking about what’s on iTunes. So, I’m just wondering what your initial reaction to that is and why do you think it’s happening at this particular time?

Dr. Greer: Well, a couple of things here. First of all, the documentary is still on iTunes and so people can go there and see it. They can also get… there’s a part of it that has a lot more material that from one of our top-secret witnesses who had handled this from the Air Force as a bonus feature and on iTunes. It’s also on Netflix and it’s been… it was probably the top the documentary there for 2017. And the reason people are so interested in the subject is they know it’s true and that the government’s hiding something. They don’t know what they’re hiding and that’s what we tried to do an expose of in the documentary. And we had predicted that as this documentary began to get legs and with millions of people seeing it, I have also recently found out that at this point from our… we have a team that does analysis on the deep internet architecture, about 100,000 people a day are seeing this documentary.

Interviewer: That’s incredible.

Dr. Greer: So what I think people need to understand is we knew that there was going to be a counter punch from the intelligence community or IC. And the intelligence community, when I use the word IC, I’m referring broadly to the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the other branches, NSA, etc., and so on, the whole alphabet soup of, you know, 16, 18, 20 intelligence groups, as well as their corporate lackeys or I should say bosses. And I think that what folks have to understand is that there’s… there’s a group that was put together by an aging rock star named GPS to the stars, and this this was put together, if you look at who is involved, they are all people from the deep parts of the intelligence community who’s a purpose it is to put out information that seems benign.

Like, in this case, the thing that you’re referring to that was on the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, but interestingly, that… it was revealed from the threat assessment office of the Pentagon. And the leader of this group is very dedicated to spinning it in a direction of, “There’s an alien invasion that we have to be a were worried about and have these…” you know, so we have to fight aliens in space somehow. This is all part of a disinformation campaign that we had predicted. Back in the 1990s, I wrote a paper called ‘When disclosure serves secrecy’, and it was about the whole process of disclosure being hijacked by people with this sort of agenda. And the agenda the reason all of this happened the reason it got covered is that people listening, what they need to understand is that the media does not cover this issue unless they are instructed to do so by the people in the intelligence community at force specific reason. So, the coverage on this, which was widespread, was orchestrated, but it had within it a subliminal message of a threat from space. Now, the reason for that… let me… let me connect the dot for you.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Greer: For those of you who haven’t seen the movie ‘Unacknowledged’ is that in the 1950s, it was decided that this would be kept very secret, but that when it came out, they would present it as a threat when they had pretty much exhausted or needed to bring the world together around a common alien threat. In fact, Ronald Reagan in the 1980 said, “Wouldn’t our job of creating world peace and unity be easier if there was a common alien threat?” So, that was scripted by the same elements within the intelligence community, it’s all completely fake. And of course, if there was a threat from outer space, we would have known about it about 1945 when we started detonating atomic weapons. However, think about it, you know, Leon Panetta (who I have provided a briefing on the UFO and ET subject for when he was the CIA director for President Obama) stated that, “Well, we’re spending a 110 billion dollars a year chasing 70… 7 0 al-qaeda members in Afghanistan, and that this is kind of ridiculous.” And of course it is, but if you’re going to have a multi trillion-dollar military-industrial intelligence laboratory financial corporate complex, to keep it alive, you’ve got to create another boogeyman, and the big boogeyman that they have been holding in their back pocket for about 70 years is the ET one.

So, this group has decided to start playing that card, which is the reason, the raison d’être of ‘Unacknowledged’, the reason I decided to spend two years in making this film and getting it out and it culminates 25 years of research with top secret witnesses from all walks of life blowing the whistle on this, is so that the public would understand what the truth is about the subject and also why it’s been kept secret. And… and the second reason for the secrecy is that it was disclosed that these ETs were here and we’re hearing these things could be called UFOs, that’s pop culture by the way. The intelligence community doesn’t call them that, they call them ETVs, extraterrestrial vehicles. What you would find is that the public it would be… they don’t want it to come out in a way that that doesn’t further empower war.

So, I tell people, we have a choice here, it’s… the future is universal peace or endless war and end destruction. Now, the people who want endless war, which is very profitable to the war mongers, is that they will create a threat that’s not there and they can stage a threat that’s not there. And this is exactly what the intelligence community is very good at doing. So, that’s what we’ve found, I discovered this in the 1990s and had been advising various presidents and people all along the way that to be wary of this. But the public needs to be extremely wary of it as we go here into 2018 because I think that that false flag announcement’s coming.

Now, the other part of the secrecy has to do with the fact that you’re not coming through interstellar space using Exxon jet fuel, you are using a type of physics that allows for you to pull energy from the fabric of space/time, so-called 0-point energy and anti-gravity technologies, and those have been studied and perfected since the 1940s and 50s in covert programs. If that were disclosed, I mean, you can’t disclose that the UFOs are real without that being the first question that any scientists and technologist would ask is, “How in the hell are these things operating?” Well, when that begins to get looked at carefully, people are going to realize, “Well, we already know how these operate and we haven’t needed oil, gas, coal, public utilities for at least 70 years,” which means all the global warming, all the climate change, all the destruction to the biosphere, Global Poverty, all these things have been created by man, they are not naturally occurring.

And I think that this is the thing that most people don’t understand is that the secrecy has to keep alive two myths. One is that we have to be on this sort of gradual adoption of alternative energy technologies such as wind and solar, which of course are also very centralized through utility companies and very inefficient. And that there has to be another enemy that we kind of come around and fight because that crops up the multi trillion dollar global military industrial complex. If there was a honest disclosure, and now, let me tell you what’s actually going on, is that we’re being visited by highly advanced civilizations from other star systems, they are peaceful, but they’re very wary of the fact that we are not. They are waiting for us to grow up, they are not going to land on the white house lawn inadvertently just for the heck of it, they’re waiting to see if our civilization becomes anywhere near a level one civilization, as Michio Kaku would describe, a civilization that’s no longer fighting and isn’t destroying its biosphere. We’re a level zero civilization for your information.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Greer: And if we would be, you know, able to go into space peacefully, well we have been failing all those tests since World War II. The human race has not… humanity has not come together in a peaceful way, we have not stopped destroying our biosphere. And even scientist to discover the so called zero-point energy technology, their technologies or confiscate or they themselves harassed and sometimes it fascinated if it comes out.

The other thing that people have been… a very big myth that we blow up and the film acknowledged which actually has been proven by the coverage of the film, is that the large media is completely and utterly controlled by the intelligence community. They will cover a story like what just came out because the front people for it have an agenda of presenting an alien threat. And yet, ‘Unacknowledged’ (look at this) is the number 1 documentary in… on the world’s largest platform, iTunes, for a whole year and they haven’t covered it at all. Even though it’s chock full of top secret documents, smoking gun witnesses with whistleblowers, smoking gun documents that have been authenticated from the CIA and elsewhere.

However, there has not been a single… it’s been blacklisted because it exposes the big lie of this fake threat and it exposes the big lie of, “Well, we’re still studying these…” now they’re calling them UAT, unexplained aerial phenomenon, that nonsense; there’s nothing unexplained about them. We know exactly what they are, but they want to keep this sort of myth going because the revelation of the truth of it would mean an entirely new sustainable peaceful civilization on earth. They don’t want that, they want a civilization that impoverished is in need of Big Brother and is dependent on the big super state, and is also on a war footing because war is the most profitable industry on the planet. I mean, you know, you can… you can bill as we have a high card document where sending a washer on for a top-secret project, a washer (like a bolt and washer) from one place to another on a special courier which billed the US government 10 million dollars for that washer. This is true, this is actually in the Washington Post, an article some years ago. So, by bilking the tax payers and… and, look, the other study that just came out at Michigan State University is that there’s 20 1.5 trillion dollars unaccounted for in the US government that had been completely embezzled through the military mostly in intelligence community, and our entire national debt is only 20 trillion.

So, more than the amount of our entire national debt has been literally embezzled by these… these devils, and I have to say that, you know, this, they don’t want to have come out either because we’re sort of all sort of sheeple being herded around through pop culture and, you know, it’s like the ancient Roman times bread and circus, you throw out bread and give them a circus and entertain them with sports and… and frivolity and rubbish. But in reality, we’re hoping that… that the planet begins to wake up to what’s actually happening and there’s an awakening and not a violent revolution at all, but a revolution of thought and a revolution and consciousness that we’re all one people in this cosmos and that we can live together, and by bringing these sciences and technologies forward, have a completely transformed planet that will have no pollution, no poverty within a generation. And that sounds like a pipe dream, it isn’t, the solutions for this are sitting in a black box and it’s going to take a great deal than any of us, not just me, to bring this out. So, that’s really what the book and the message of the book and the movie are really all about.

Interviewer: Dr. Greer, you said these ancient and/or extraterrestrial beings are waiting for us to wake up to see if we’re going to grow up. Well, what chance does humanity really have to wake up if you have a small percentage that are very successful in repressing the people psychologically speaking, and I’m imagining metaphysically speaking? If they’re able to hold people on a perpetual state of that fear of now and not allow them the even the opportunity to engage in critical thinking or to become one and grow with their evolution, how are they ever going to be free? Do you think that at some point in time that we will need some type of intervention and even to I guess cast aside or give us a chance of growing? Are these people that dangerous that we’re… do we even have a chance of becoming a level 1 civilization?

Dr. Greer: Oh, we do, but it isn’t going to happen by sitting… you know, it’s not going to happen by sitting in your barcalounger looking at the Super Bowl. It’s going to happen by people getting up and doing something about it, which of course, people don’t want to do, they want everyone else to do something about it. Now, I gave up my medical… I’m a trauma doctor, an emergency doctor, and I gave up my career to work on this, and I remember Laurence Rockefeller begging me not to because he said, “You’re just going to be the court jester entertaining the masses on this, no one’s going to help you.” But it… that hasn’t been true all together, but, you know, as I reflect back on 27 years of doing this and the losses I’ve had, the terrible losses I’ve had, the people, my friends who’ve been murdered, what’s happened to me, the people on my team who have disappeared, the loss of my medical career, it’s all very tragic. However, I have faith that there are enough people who can awaken and realize and… and consciousness is such that you don’t need to have a majority. If you understand the studies that have been done in nonlocality and consciousness, you need about 1%.

So, let’s say we have 7.2 billion people on the planet, you really only need about… you know, if you take 1% of that, you know, you need 72 million people. Well, that’s doable globally to get 72 million people aware and moving in a certain direction on something. Now, it’s not easy, it’s why we did this big mainstream movie release, and the next one I want to do, if we can find the right production team to do it (hint-hint, anybody out there) is really going to be about how higher consciousness is the key to interstellar contact and understanding the physics of transdimensional interstellar travel. And we can get into this discussion, it’s a very deep one, but I’m convinced that the human race has to move on to this path of adopting a whole new way of living.

And as Einstein said, “No problem is solved by the level of consciousness that created it.” The level that has created the problems in the world that we see today is still running amok, that’s the prevailing status quo or conventional wisdom. What I think that we can do is awaken people to a whole different way of thinking about how you live on this planet. And I don’t mean solar farms and windmills, which I have a solar farm here in my place in Bridgend, it’s one of the largest in the State, but it’s very inefficient. You could have something that’s the size of your coffee table that could run your entire house or office building forever pulling energy from the 0-point energy state. And this has been proven to exist, this is not a theoretical sort of urban legend. Even in physics journals and the Casimir effect and other discussions, it’s been proven that this field of energy exists, and what we have to do is come together as the people say, “Well, we’re… we may not be able to pry one of these things out of the cold, grey hands of these sociopaths and the covert programs, but we can come together and work on the… ourselves and bring it out,” so that’s what we’re proposing to do.

Now, of course, that’s going to take research and development funds and a lot of things that people don’t want to provide because, again, they want to… look, they’ll spend $10,000 to go to the Super Bowl, but they won’t give you $0.2 to do this. So… I’m just being used my social commentary for them today. But the fact of the matter is, if people are going to… we have a choice to make, do we want to be frivolous and stupid or do we want to be awakened and go forward? And if we’re awakened, we’re going to realize that the world that is around us is a carrier over from the late 1800s that has been locked into a sort of permanent state of decay by design because it benefits the industrialist who created that. So, we need to look at a genuine post-industrial post-urban civilization, and the answer is sitting right in front of us. When we look at the UFO phenomenon, how those objects are moving, where they’re getting their energy from, but also the consciousness of the… of the beings who are visiting us.

Think about it for a moment, you come across a planet like this, it’s blowing each other up with atomic bombs, and at the end of World War II, we’re then… we have all these crazy people running the planet who are withholding from the public the means to live on the planet without destroying the biosphere at all, to be 0 pollution from these technologies, and we’re here running amok with instead of 2 billion people in 1920, 7.2 billion people living with coal-fired power plants and gasoline powered engines and our cars and your electric cars, memo to Elon Musk, that is that talk about fake new technology, you’re plugging it into a power grid that’s fired mostly by gas and coal. So, you know, it’s just… it’s all of… everything that we… all the Silicon Valley, “Oh, aren’t we wonderful?” no, actually you’re not, and let me explain why you’re not. And I hate to rain on everyone’s parade here on New Year’s Eve.

Interviewer: No problem, rain, please (laughs)

Dr. Greer: But people need to realize that that is all sort of a Truman Show, if you saw The Truman Show with Jim Carrey, where it’s this sort of everyone’s living in this sort of bubble where they believe that they’re doing something that is going to make a difference, it is not going to make a difference until you realize what the fundamental problem is. The fundamental problem (to use the technology analogy) is the OS, the operating system of the planet. The operating system of the planet right now as well as the consciousness paradigm its destructive. We get… just take strip it all down, you’re blowing up, you’re burning oil, you’re burning coal, you’re digging coal up out of the ground, nuclear power, it’s you’re… you’re basically doing a slow explosion, it’s fission of the atom to create heat to turn a turbine to create steam to turn a turbine. Everyone thinks that, “Oh, the nuclear power is the answer,” well, then all you’re doing is creating heat to boil a pot of water to turn a stir… a turbine. People don’t realize it’s a big turbine engine like a choo-choo train going across the west and 18… mid-1800s. That’s all a nuclear power plant is, except you’re getting the heat by splitting the atom and then you have thousands and thousands of years of deadly radioactive waste sitting around on the earth, killing people, causing cancer rates to skyrocket. That is not a solution, my friends.

So we have the solution, what we’re trying to put a spotlight on with this movie and the book to say, “Guess what, the real solutions for a true space-age interstellar civilization are extant. They exist they’ve been suppressed, but it’s going to take a very heavy lift to go up against with powerful people in the intelligence community and financial sectors to make this a reality.” Now, let’s then also look at our electric system. Our electric system is, if you take a… go back and Google this those of you listening and get a photograph of 1900, late 1800s, early 1900s of New York City, you’ll see this tangle of wires on poles taking electricity. Well, that’s what we had today, this is why in a hurricane, we lose power. This system is from the late 1800s that we’re living in. Now, here we are driving around in cars the internal combustion engines, yes, they’re more sophisticated with computers on them, are from 1888 with Mercedes. The Jets you’re flying on were first experimented with in the 1930s, rockets were the 1940, bang, the lid is down, nothing we are using it after the 1940s. I’m going, “Are you kidding me with this crap? We’re 70 plus years into a civilization where basically everything we’re using (except microprocessors, which were reverse engineered from extraterrestrial vehicles that were retrieved by the way) are from the 1800s or early 1900s, the first half of the 20th century.

So, we need to take a step back and this is… these are fact, this is not an opinion that I’m giving, this is just look around the world we’re in. So, that’s the world we’re in and that we’ve created and being passive sheep will have allowed to prevail. That isn’t going to change until we the people stand up and say, “Enough of this nonsense and we want to create a new civilization on earth that is sustainable, peaceful,” because you cannot bring out these new technologies and apply them to warfare right away because it’s going to be even more dangerous, and it’s enter interplanetary.

Now, these extraterrestrial civilizations understand that, so imagine them watching all this what I just described, the sort of ridiculousness of our culture, and they’ve been very restrained. Because frankly, if they were a threat, they would have simply invaded the planet about the time we exploded the first atomic weapon at the Trinity site in white sands and said, “You crazy monkeys don’t need to have these things,” and just shut it down. But they’re not, they understand, they’re kind of like an older sibling understanding that we’re going through a sort of collective craziness of adolescence and that we’ll outgrow it they hope. In the meanwhile, if we don’t, they’re watching because we have become an existential threat to other planets. And this is the thing I’m turning this on its head today for you.

The way that these civilizations view us is that we are so out of control and so murderous and so stupid that we are an existential threat to other star systems right now. Because our covert programs Lockheed Skunkworks (the super-secret operations and research programs of Lockheed) actually have reverse-engineered and studied extraterrestrial technologies to the point that we are… we could project our threat to another star system and be a threat to them. And this of course means that the entire human race is at risk because you have a group of… of strange (unclear) [27:14] scientists with their supporters in the covert programs who are experimenting with technology and have the consciousness of violence instead of peace behind them, and this is an existential threat to every single person on earth. This is why, you know, these… these ET civilizations need to see a different face of humanity, and this is why I started something called the Close Encounters of the 5th kind initiative, which is when we gather teams, and there are thousands of teams all over the world now who study this and use consciousness and thought, remote viewing, some would call it telepathy (that’s not quite correct) to interface with these civilizations and to make peaceful contact, and to show them that there are people on earth who are enlightened and who are conscious… conscious beings and who do want to interface with them for peaceful purposes. And that’s really going to be the subject of the next big film that we do with close encounter.

Interviewer: I’m so glad you brought that up because I do want to ask you a question about that. And first off, I want to let everyone know that you can download this phenomenal app, it’s called ET Contact Tool, and if you download it, it’ll give you more information about preparing for these types of meditations. I thought that was so fascinating watching ‘Unacknowledged’ about how you gathered groups of people, you did collective meditation, and you’re attempting to communicate with these beings. And my understanding, Dr. Greer, is that you were able to do this because apparently, we are all part of one mind. Now, that being said, if we are all part of one collective mind, and we have large parts of this conscious mind that are insidious and murderous, is it a wrong assumption to make that the universal mind for which you and I occupy may actually be one of a sociopath? I mean, with the bad guys coming out on top in some certain ways, is it a little startling that the universal mind would give its energy and give its, you know, attention and energy to this part of its mind that is murderous as opposed to giving its time, effort, and energy to the part of its mind that is peaceful? I was wondering what your thoughts worried about that.

Dr. Greer: Well, my thoughts are that, with the field… of let’s talk about the field of non-local consciousness, in other words, consciousness as an undifferentiated infinite field of awareness, that’s neutral. Now, when you get into relativity, say a human being with freewill, you can use that for good or for ill. It’s like you can take a knife and spread, butter on your bread, or you could take it and slit the throat of the person sitting across the table from you. That has to do with your freewill and what you’re doing. This gets into a very sort of almost spiritual discussion, but so the consciousness itself is very zen-like, undifferentiated, peaceful, unboundedness. And before I was a medical doctor, I was a meditation teacher and went all around the world. In fact, that Louise Hay was one of my students and…

Interviewer: Wow.

Dr. Greer: … other and so on and went all over the world teaching meditation. And it was actually because I had a near-death experience when I was 17 and. I was raised a scientific atheist. In my family, we didn’t believe in anything that didn’t exist in a test tube or something and I had this beautiful experience of the cosmos as the singularity of consciousness and just unbelievable love and peace and beauty and I said, “Wow, this is so amazing.” So, I searched for a few months and found a meditation technique I liked and started meditating, I began to have these experiences all the time in Samadhi and in higher states of consciousness. So, I spent, you know, 8 hours a day for some years just in meditation when I was in misspent youth, in my late teens and early 20s, and became a meditation instructor.

But what I discovered, when… one particular evening when I was… I just turned 18 and I was the first year of college, I was sitting on a mount in the mountains of North Carolina and I was doing this beautiful meditation, and at the end of it, I was in sort of a unity consciousness, in God consciousness state, and this ET appeared beside me and touched my right shoulder and it was just beautiful.

Interviewer: Awesome.

Dr. Greer: Because of course at first, I thought it was a deer standing on two legs who had almond like eyes, and I sort of vanished and I went… had an experience with these… with this particular civilization and… that was there and how humans experience universality of consciousness and how that could be used to make contact with them for peaceful purposes in the future. Now, as an 18 year old teenager, I really didn’t understand everything I do now as a 62 year-old-guy, however it informs my whole, you know, path and my whole career, and that was 6 months after the near-death experience. So, what I… what I discovered was that the universe is actually magnificently beautiful and that what where humanity is is that we have taken our freewill to do things that are harmful and are destructive, and our technologies reflect the destructiveness, whether it’s through war, weapons, or even how you’re running your car and… on gasoline, which is destroying the biosphere. Other civilizations have gotten past this, let’s call it adolescent phase and development, and in their maturity, have become peaceful and also have… have developed technologies that are peaceful, that are also extremely high-tech, but the high tech isn’t useful war, it’s used for the good.

Now, that’s a choice cultures make. And this gets into the discussion of Earth being… and humanity, like many like all intelligent life-forms, having freewill that can go one way or the other. So, you can’t blame say God or the universal mind for the stupidity of those who have the children they, you know? However, at a certain point, you have to take responsibility, and this is… this whole discussion today is about we have to take responsibility for this. And when we see the people who are the devils in the intelligence community pushing out all this rubbish on CNN and the Washington Post and New York Times, but… you know, and the case that they were featuring was a legitimate case, don’t get me wrong, I mean, it was there a Navy pilot encountering a UFO and had a it on camera and radar, which my group has hundreds of these in our archives. Interestingly, they won’t put that on CNN because I would say what I’m saying to you here about what the secrecy is about. I wouldn’t be mentioning words like Leslie Kean saying, “Well, we don’t really know what these are,” well, she does, she’s been in my home and she knows exactly what they are. These are all people who are mouthing the narrative of the intelligence community.

And I always say, “How do you know they’re lying? Their lips were moving.” So, I will be quite… but I’m a very blunt person when it comes down to this, but when you look at them, you know, the deeper question you ask, and I don’t think it has to do with that the unbounded conscious mind or the cosmic being is this way at all, but we as humans that have free will can choose to use these capabilities for good or for harm. And I think we have… we have a choice to make. I get back to this, we’re at this millennial crossover. And I don’t think it’s just 1000-year event, I think we’re in a 400, 500, 1000-year cycle that’s ending and another half a million year cycle that it’s opening. The hallmark of the future cycle is universal peace, interstellar travel, sustainability, not only peace on earth and through the heavens, but living in a way of great enlightenment, both in consciousness, but in the technologies that reflect that consciousness, that we would not be using as an enlightened civilization the technologies that cannibalize the earth and destroy the earth in order for us to live here because it is utterly and completely unnecessary. And I think this is the big picture people need to get, and to make that a reality, it does take a mass movement and consciousness to take place, which is why I gave up my medical career. I realized that, you know, we were floating along heading over with no barrel about to go over Niagara Falls as a civilization, and that someone needed to sort of steer this thing in another direction. So, I think that…

Interviewer: Well, I appreciate it.

Dr. Greer: … that’s basically why I gave up my medical career. But I think that that… that that’s what everyone has to ask themselves, you know, “What direction are we taking?” is a good thing since the beginning of a new year in 2018, and, “What do we want… what kind of planet do we want to leave for our children?” in my case I have 8 grandchildren, and, “Do we want to have a planet that is running the way it was in 1898?” no, I don’t.

Now, you know, people think, “Oh great, I have an iPhone,” or, you know, a smartphone and a computer, so what? You know, you’re charging it off coal-fired power bridge from the 1800s. So, I think people have to begin to understand that this is a change that is massive. The reason it’s… you know, I remember when there was one guy in the Rockefeller family who was supportive of what I wanted to do back in the 90s who is doing the briefings when we had the materials going to Bill Clinton, and that’s Laurance Rockefeller. And of course David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank, you know, wanted to kill all of us, but… but, Da… but Laurence really… he… well, I had this poignant conversation with him out on this patio one night in the Grand Tetons at the JY Ranch, which is his gorgeous ranch, you know, that the Rockefellers donated the entire Teton Range to the US government and they kept a beautiful ranch for themselves in the center of it. And I was there with Laurance Rockefeller and he turned to me, and we were alone, he said, “You know, Dr. Greer, the disclosure of this is so vast and so profound, the implications of this disclosure, that no aspect of life on earth will be unchanged by it,’ I said yes, “Laurance, that why it’s secret.”

So, if it were something trivial, if it was about little green men and ha, ha, ha, no, that’s what the intelligence community wants you to think it is, but it isn’t. It’s really about the future of our civilization. But it also has immediate effect because you… if you disclose this information honestly without it propping up the war machine, you also are going to have the petrodollar system completely replace. And let’s think about this for a moment, you know, there’s hundreds of trillions of dollars in assets in oil, gas, col, public utilities, many people’s pension, all of that’s obsolete and has been obsolete for decades. So, when you bring this information out, you have to understand you’re going to have to create a new macroeconomic system for the entire planet, not just United States, everyone. But here’s the problem, when this… when these technologies first began to be discovered 100 years ago and then we had World War II and we had ET contact happen and we figured out anti-gravity, and I’ll give you the date when we mastered gravity control of how to make something become light as… lighter than air and then vanish and levitate, and that was 1954 scientifically.

Interviewer: Wow.

Dr. Greer: So, October 1954. So, everything you’re see out there, the jets you fly on, the cars you ride in, your… the houses, everything that you have has been obsolete since a year before I was born; I was born in 1955. So, what I tell people is that this means it is the biggest reindustrialization in the history of humanity, it makes the Marshall Plan, the rebuilding World War II… Germany after World War II look like nothing. So, this is a massive undertaking that we’re talking about here. And the reason it’s so massive is because it’s been delay. If it had been phased in as it should have been, but I… you know, I can’t go back in a time machine to the time before I was born and fix these mistakes that were made in the post-World War II era. All I can say is, here’s the world that we inherited, here’s what we need to do to come together to fix it. And if we come together to fix it, we will have a planet that is unspeakably beautiful, a future that’s unspeakably beautiful, and these civilizations, these various ET civilizations will welcome us with open arms if we’re peaceful and enlightened. We are not welcome out there until we become peaceful and enlightened by the way. And this has been shown to us also very distinctly and unequivocably.

So, I think that if we really want to have a future that involves a peaceful existence and coexistence in space, but they’re also flourishing on earth and in space, we’re going to have to change how we think. And I think it’s all hidden within us, because you think about it, if you have an experience with another human being that’s from another culture, they may seem very alien, but if you think about it, they’re conscious and they’re sentient, you’re conscious and sentient, well, that conscious state, aware state, is a singularity and you are one. So, that’s… that’s the heart of the compassion of the Buddha, isn’t it, it’s to realize where your essential oneness and where you are all the same, you’re all alike. Well, we have to then expand that understanding with the conscious sentient life-forms from other planets. So, when I started my organization in 1990, the foundation of it was this concept based on the experience I had with the ETs and also the near-death experience and in meditation. But the understanding that consciousness is a singularity, I loved… I love that quote from Erwin Schrödinger, the father of modern particle-wave theory and quantum mechanics, in 1908, he said, “The total number of minds in the universe is 1, that is, it is a singularity.” And it has been proven now that the mind is a singularity.

And so when we… when we experienced that in deep meditative state, then we can in that, from that deeper level of understanding as a deep spiritual and conscious state, we can understand that these other civilizations are in fact conscious as we are. And most of them have developed into very higher states of consciousness where there are entire civilizations that are in the state of what we would call cosmic consciousness and what-have you and very, very high levels of consciousness. And some of them are just maybe a few thousand years beyond us, but they’re on the path to that. None of them at our level, and if they were just at our level or less, they wouldn’t be here, by definition, they wouldn’t be able to get here because they would have either blown themselves up before they left their solar system or been contained, which is what’s happening with us now. Right now, there is…

Interviewer: We’re being contained right now?

Dr. Greer: Yes, there’s a point…

Interviewer: When you communicate with these other extraterrestrial beings, is there any way to ask what kind of civilizations they are and do they view us as the most violent civilization in the universe? And I’m wondering if there are other civilizations that are like us, but maybe much worse that have been a threat that actually have been dealt with.

Dr. Greer: Well, I’m sure, you know, there’s nothing new under the Sun, the old expression says, and the universe is billions of years old, I’m sure that there are other civilizations that have been as foolish as we are. And I don’t think we’re the worst, we’re probably… I do remember this hilarious meeting I had with Pope John Paul’s consigliere on this subject who was a Monsignor Balducci at the Vatican, and I was sitting there his apartment overlooking St. Peters and he turns to me and he says, “You know,” he says, “lower than humanity there cannot exist in the entire universe.” I loved it from the perspective of this Catholic Monsignor who was the right hand to the Pope and who was incredibly supportive of everything we’re doing by the way, a wonderful man. And the Pope’s know about this well, I mean, you know, my position now is that I’m sort of the bridge that goes into all these sort of worlds and to see who has bought and to preach and when I need to.

But I think what… what’s interesting that there’s nothing new under the Sun, so yes, certainly there are civilizations who are probably at our level, but they would be also contained. One of the things that people want to have, of course, I mean, and it was great for George Lucas and Star Wars fans is to have, you know, cowboys and Indians shooting it up out in space forever, it doesn’t actually work that way, and I’ll give you one little nugget to think about why it doesn’t. Once you cross the atomic threshold, which, you know, we concluded years ago, mutual assured destruction, that if we had a thermonuclear exchange on this planet, it would destroy not just humanity, but all life on this planet, imagine technologies that are a million fold more sophisticated than a thermonuclear weapon and that being weaponized. If that were to be weaponized, it would be a nanosecond and you would have the entire planet dissolved into a pink mist floating throughout space. It would… it would dissociate at a subatomic level the entire planet and everyone on it. The idea that you’re going to have the kind of technologies I’m talking about and still the consciousness of violence and the consciousness of war is absurd because that exchange, that war would last less than a nanosecond. And… and one of the things I find very funny about the whole conspiracy in UFO crackpot field and I have to say most of the people who deal with this subject in this space or utter and complete… it’s just buffoonery, really.

Interviewer: Is it true that even you’re a skeptic and 90% of the stuff that’s out there, you don’t believe? I remember…

Dr. Greer: I don’t… yeah, I would say 98% of everything out there I think it’s utter and complete nonsense, rubbish. And any… any thinking person with, you know, more, a little over average IQ would figure that out very quickly. Because let’s say… let’s take one of the theses, “Oh, they’re coming here to invade us,” well, they’re not, but even if they were, it wouldn’t be the way that people are fantasizing. People fantasize, “They’re here abducting us,” well, it turns out that the abductions… and if you look at this movie, ‘Unacknowledged’, we have an Air Force intelligence officer admitting to the fact that covert human operations have been masquerading with quote ‘stagecraft’ on man-made anti-gravity things that look like UFOs abducting people for their psychological warfare value, their counterintelligence value. This was proven in the 1980s by the way, but nobody was listening.

So, you know, the count… the intelligence community has people think that we couldn’t possibly have a technology that could simulate that, I felt like… well, we don’t, we did starting in the 60s. So, beginning in the late 50s and 60s, we had the ability to simulate an alien event including an aircraft that looks like a UFO and creatures that look like aliens and to engage in things that people experienced tragically, and their victims, I don’t say they’re not victims, of mutilations and abductions. And the intelligence community has been doing this for 60-some years. So, I think that this is something that of course is… rarely do you get someone of this person’s rank, who’s an Air Force intelligence officer, to admit it on camera, but I got him to. And I think that he also admitted to the fact that there was a false flag that’s sort of a false alien invasion threat. But anyway, he kept… he backed off, he said, “Now, that’s very top secret, I can’t talk about that, I can’t talk about that.” You should see the full interview with this man that is on the iTunes store, if you get the film there, you get also the bonus things with this intelligence officer’s interview and it’s also in the book. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble or a website, Sirius Disclosure. And the transcript, when you read this, you go, “Holy shit! This is unbelievable!”

You know, here’s an Air Force intelligence officer who specifically worked for the UFO subject for virtually a decade coming clean with the fact that, not only have we engaged in the abduction, but we’ve also had a plan, a master plan, to sort of fake a threat from outer space. And then of course, as soon as ‘Unacknowledged’ it’s the top of the charts on iTunes, you have this… this fake group put together by an aging rock star, Tom DeLonge, who by the way has stayed at my home here in Virginia, he… I used to mentor him on this. He got pulled over to the dark side by all these spooks and CIA and military people and doesn’t apparently have the ability to discern fact from fiction. But nevertheless, what you have here is a very tragic situation where the public, the public unfortunately, it’s like after 9/11, everyone panics and then we go into Iraq, which of course Saddam Hussein was a monster, but he had nothing to do with 9/11. And, you know, we end up blowing up a country, spending 2 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of people are killed, and now we have Isis. So, people don’t think about what the consequences of… are of this kind of deception.

So, the big one however is coming. This is what I’m talking, like Paul Revere saying, this one’s coming, the first shot across the bow of it, you just saw on CNN and the Washington Post and New York Times, not… not from the… not from the… the event itself. The event itself is just a routine and they happen all the time, military jet encounter with a UFO, it happened thousands of times, we have like 3 or 4000 these cases, it’s the way it was covered, it’s the people behind it. And the people behind it are the people who are presenting the ET presence as a threat. And because it’s a threat, they can justify a 5 trillion dollar defense budget globally to fight them; this is what they’re angling for. And you can’t be fooled again, it’s like The Who ‘We Won’t Be Fooled Again’, you know that song after, you know, that… the Vietnam war? We have been fooled again. We were fooled by 9/11, now we’re going to be fooled by this if we don’t wake up quickly. Wake up.

Interviewer: Dr. Greer, is it painful for you to have an abnormally high intelligence and understanding of how the world really works and then you observe how billions of people are floundering and intellectually regressing by leaps and bounds, you have all this amazing technology, the era of information, you can get any book you want at any point in time, yet people will just stand on the phones and play like Angry Birds? I mean, I feel like, you know, I love what you’re saying, I think that what you’re doing is a great contribution, and I want to acknowledge and thank you for all the time, effort, and sacrifice you put into this because I do feel it’s an amazing leap forward for our civilization, humanity in general, but I mean, everyone else can do it, they can… they have access to all this information. Does it make you upset, do you get disheartened to see all the untapped potential that could be there if people just give it 5 minutes, put a little time into it?

Dr. Greer: Well, sure, I mean, you know, it can be disheartening. But it’s also very heartening, I mean, because I follow social media, the numbers of people that are waking up to the fact that we’re not alone in the universe, that there are these elements within the intelligence community playing games. And also the number of people… I mean, when we announced our… we have another app that’s a free one that will show you where other (unclear) [52:22] team members are, I think it’s a ET Contact Tool, but you can go on there and it just… the day we announced that, it blew… the whole world just got covered with our little triangular symbols for our organization, and every country in the world, it’s just covered with teams of people going out in these meditative states for universal peace making contact.

So, what I realized is that, yes, I mean, you know, you have to have the very broad view here. There’s a lot of dysfunction in our society, but there’s a lot of beauty to humanity. And the all of us have this light of unbounded consciousness within us and that this doesn’t require a plurality or a majority, it requires 1% of us if you look at the so-called Maharishi effect, you need 1% of the public to awaken to something and it has this 100th monkey effect, let’s call it, that then begins to propagate and may change society and change even people that aren’t doing it just because of the non-local resonant seal of consciousness that’s omnipresent and infinite. So, I’m actually optimistic that we can make this change, but of course, yeah, I mean, if you look at our culture per se, you know, what people don’t even know what the direction of Northwest is because they don’t… they do their directions, they don’t… can’t read a map, people have become so uneducated. I recently met someone who graduated from the University of Virginia, which is the top public university in America, and he didn’t know who Thomas Jefferson was.

Interviewer: Wow.

Dr. Greer: Of course, he built the university and wrote the Declaration of Independence for Christ’s sake. But at any rate… I mean, I know I sound like a (unclear) [54:09] here, but… you know, but your… lord of mercy, you know, the… you know, these are people who, you know, just learned for the test and move on and don’t know whatever. But I think that what we have to realize though is that there’s 2 things going on. You have a growing large awakening population on the planet to these issues, and not only this subject, but higher consciousness and meditation and everything. And then you have the part that’s just sort of like… well, I don’t to be too…

Interviewer: Go ahead.

Dr. Greer: … blunt, but…

Interviewer: I love your bluntness and being direct because we’re seeking truth.

Dr. Greer: Well, it was like… it was like this last election where you had a map of the United States and it qas Dumbfuckistan, you know, I mean, that… that’s… but, you know, I mean, that… that’s what you’re… but that’s okay, you know? I mean, you expect that’s going to happen because you’re going to get sort of this sort of effect before there’s a big transition, a change that happens that towards the direction of sustainability and enlightenment. But I see more and more people becoming aware of this in a very good way, and what’s also wonderful, I mean, the bright side of what happened recently is that, even though the people behind the recent disclosures are sociopaths who want to have interplanetary war and present the ETs as a threat, “An alien threat! Oh my god!” which is complete nonsense, if they were a threat, trust me, we’re running around…

Interviewer: If they were a threat, they would have wiped us out by now, I figure that we would have been wiped out a long time ago.

Dr. Greer: Oh please, I mean, you know, you’re talking about interstellar travel capabilities versus an F-16, excuse me, I mean, come on, I mean, it’s ludicrous. I mean, if that… if they were really of that consciousness, they would have been, “Point, set, match, over!” You know, and, you know, as a scientist, I studied the science of interstellar technology which crosses through dimensions and they’re very elegant physics, I mean, incredibly elegant physics, which we don’t have time to go into; which would probably put everyone to sleep anyway who’s listening. But I think that… that what people have to understand is, we understand that physics, if you know what it is, the idea that civilization is with those technologies would be any kind of threat, and if they were a threat, that there would be any kind of discussion about who’s going to prevail would be ludicrous. And therefore, it shows that they’re just incredibly patient and incredibly almost saintly level of restraint and patience. If it was otherwise, there would have been a pushback and a big one. Because we have been using electromagnetic pulse weapons and things of this sort since… and directional scal… they’re called scalar electromagnetic weapons since the 40s to target these craft and shoot… knock them down. You don’t shoot them down, you disrupt their electromagnetic propulsion systems and they drop out of the sky like a rock.

Interviewer: Is that with radar?

Dr. Greer: That’s how we…

Interviewer: Is that… did we bring in that with radar?

Dr. Greer: Yes.

Interviewer: So, was that an accident?

Dr. Greer: Well, it… no, it’s not really radar and it wasn’t an accident, it was a radar system that was doubling as a scalar longitudinal weapon system. And scalar waves travel faster than the speed of light; this is another whole discussion; and that how Roswell happened, Roswell happened through the deployment of an early scalar system and then we began to perfect it. I knew a man in the Air Force in Florida at Eglin Air Force Base, he says, “We have a whole array of these, and when ET craft come into our atmosphere, we can target and hit them.” Now, of course the kill rate isn’t very high, the ETs have learned that we’re doing this and are being careful, but what I’m saying is that there is a concerted effort to acquire their technologies and we have done very violent things against them. So, if they were themselves of a consciousness of violence and a threat, given this galactically stupid things we have been doing that I can prove we have been doing, it would’ve been all over, this civilization would have been turned off like a light switch. So, it just shows that they’re actually extremely enlighted and extremely peaceful and patience like beyond belief. Sometimes I wish they weren’t so patient because I get so fed up with the stupidity.

Interviewer: I’m waiting for them to come down, I want to… I want to contact those people and say, “Listen, beings from the other world, go ahead, go ahead, just teach us a lesson we need to be taught.”

Dr. Greer: Yeah, here’s the other thing, I think there is… I mean, it’s a little corny, but I think there is a prime directive, I think they really are… they understand that a civilization has to stumbled through this period themselves and come out the other side, that if it’s something that forced from… a lot of people say, “Why don’t they just fix this for us?” I said because it would be like if you’re raising a child, and every time the child begins to fall off the bicycle, you ride the bicycle for it. And you have to at some point… you have to be aware there’s danger, you have to contain the risk, which you cannot do it for them. And I think that, you know, it’s like that’s going into Afghanistan with a bunch of feudal warlords thinking that’s going to become a Jeffersonian democracy in 10 years; I mean, it’s the height of stupidity. Well, these civilizations are wiser than Dick Cheney, okay, let’s just put it that way.

Interviewer: Darth Vader.

Dr. Greer: So… yeah, Darth Vader. So, I think that, you know, that they have a certain wisdom. And so there’s a restraint here that I think is salutary, it’s very admirable, but it can be frustrating in turns of course.

Interviewer: It’s a restraint. I understand that, okay, like, you know, you don’t want to have… you don’t hold the kid’s hand or be the helicopter parent, but I mean, there’s got to be a point where I think you got to give it at least the kid a chance. And I always feel that the people that are controlling the things, they are so good at what they do and their main competitor is a 400-pound guy that goes to the mall eating ice cream, and I don’t feel that the odds are stacked in our favor. So, I mean, yes, I mean, I love what you said about we get 1% of the population band together get strong, but I think a little help would be appreciated. Not saying a lot of help, but a little push from these civilizations.

Dr. Greer: Yeah, I think they are, I mean, I think they are. I mean, look, I mean, I’m still alive against all odds. There are good people within the intelligent… I just heard from one last night who are… who was at the CIA, who… I mean, there… there are things happening that, you know, I don’t necessarily talk about publicly, that there’s… there is support, but it can’t be… in other words, let’s put it this way, we… the real changes on earth have to be led by the children of earth, not the children from Alpha Centauri or… or the Andromeda galaxy. And I think that this is about growing up and taking responsibility for ourselves and our planet, and this is an act of maturing that has to occur. But it isn’t to say that there isn’t protection and there isn’t a guidance happening, I believe it is. But I think that it’s something where the prime movers have to be those of us who are from the earth, of the earth, and are children… children from Gaia, from… from the Earth Mother.

And I think it’s incorrect to think that another civilization further should do this externally for us and sort of a… I call it sort of cosmic codependency or, you know, every… everyone wants to turn these ET either… either into the devil and the big threat that we have to fight, or the angels that are going to save our butts. And I think that it’s very… I have a very different perspective on it then either of those sort of dichotomies. And I think we’re… and I think they’re both false and I think they’re based on people not wanting to take responsibility for themselves, and I think we have to take responsibility for our own actions, and then collectively as a society for our actions. And we… we are responsible and we are accountable for what we do. And I think that’s the key thing that people have to begin to embrace and realize that we have all the gifts and power.

Look, the good news about this is that everything we need for a civilization that can go forward for half a million years with peace and with sustainability and abundance and no poverty and also no illness, no, no… the times that we have now, all of that exists already on the planet; it already exists. Now, we have to organize it and bring it forward. And that’s not going to happen if all you do is sit in front of the television looking at reality TV shows and Duck Dynasty, news flash. So, you know, I mean, it’s going to… it takes some work, it takes some sacrifice, and it can be risky. But where would we have been? The army on my mother side of the family fought the American Revolution, and my father in World War II, well, we would either never had the United States had there not been people standing up to that challenge in 1776. And in World War II, we’d all be goose-stepping to Adolf Hitler’s grandson if we hadn’t had people take that persona on. Unfortunately, what people don’t realize is that the 3rd Reich of Adolf Hitler was imported into the United States through Operation Paperclip into the intelligence community and the early aerospace program, and there is a covert 4th Reich that is actually running things. And so that’s what we have to not only learn about, but take down. And it’s… it’s really…

Interviewer: Sorry, why don’t we have another challenge?

Dr. Greer: Yeah. So, that… with that… that’s actually the truth. I was meeting with the son of a very famous senator not long ago who admitted that his entire family were fascists and that his… his grandfather, Paul Mellon, one few billionaires at the time at the end of World War II, went over to Hitler with George’s Patton, General Patton, a few other people to retrieve Adolf Hitler’s secret weapon was an antigravity disk that looked like a UFO, and he was trying to master anti-gravity technologies, and they brought it back to the United States. Ultimately of course, Wernher von Braun, whose right-hand person is one of our military witnesses or corporate witnesses I should say, Joel Rosin, and others were involved with all those operations. And if you look at the movie ‘Unacknowledged’, you’ll see some of this in there where you have this woman saying, “Yes, and Wernher von Braun on his death bed said they’re going to try to present this as a an alien threat and it’s a lie, it’s all a lie, every bit of it’s a lie and the people don’t know it.” But these guys were brought into the United States by the OSS, which became the CIA, and so one of the founding people of the CIA, Douglas and this guy Paul Mellon of the famous Mellon Fortune, those guys were fascists and they admitted they were fascists and they were Nazi sympathizers. But the war was lost and we won it, the fascist lost it. So, they imported it into our system, and now that cancer has metastasized. And that… that is the truth, that’s a very scary statement, it’s absolutely factual statement. I know the families personally that are involved with this, I mean, personally as in been with them at their homes for hours on end and their estates and whatnot. So, this is not a theory on my part, this is an absolute fact.

And I think that this is one of the problems is that there is this Subrosa covert fascism that is behind a lot of the policy that we see that has evolved since World War II. In fact, George Patton, who is no flaming liberal, it was like he was some pinko dancing, you know, and ballerina shoes kind of dude, George General Patton was assassinated because he was on the side of people who wanted to disclose the technologies that they had confiscated from Hitler’s regime that were anti-gravity discs that they had not perfected. Our secret weapon was the atomic bomb, Adolf Hitler’s secret weapon was this anti-gravity control system for flight, but they had not mastered it by the time the war ended. But George Patton wanted this disclosed to the public because they thought it would be such a wonderful thing to replace, you know, airplanes and jets and fuel. And… and of course because he was on that side of it, the petro fascist and the big Bretton Woods financial sector had him killed. And I just learned that from this family, this is a very prominent senator’s son who’s not involved with politics, but is the…, you know, knows his family. In fact, his grandfather, Paul Mellon, told him after he had a couple too many martinis before he died that this is actually what happened, that they went over there and seized Adolf Hitler’s equipment and brought it back, but that it was kept secret and that, you know, of course Patton ended up, you know, being killed later because he was, believe it or not, one of the forward-thinking progresses in that crowd; and because you don’t usually think of the General Patton that way.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Greer: But… you know, but the truth is there have been a lot of good people. And it’s been hard for me, I mean, I remember the very first meeting I had where I greased the… the general in charge of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which is an agency as large as… virtually as large as the CIA, but it’s in-house Pentagon intelligence group. And that general, Patrick Hughes, and I were talking and I was doing a briefing for him at the Pentagon, and he turned to me and after about 10 minutes, he said, “Dr. Greer, the one thing I don’t understand, I want to ask you a question,” I said, “Well, what is it, General?” he says, “I don’t understand why you haven’t eaten your gun yet and killed yourself,” and I said, “My god, what do you mean?” he says, “Well, my father knew of some of this stuff,” he thought he was a kook back in the 60s, 50s and 60s, and he was involved in the intelligence world, apparently his dad was pretty high up. And I said, “Well, what happened?” he said, “Well, he committed suicide because no one would do anything about it,” and I said, “Well, I have a different vision, I don’t… you know, I see this is something we will come through and it’s a… it’s a tumultous adolescent phase of humanity generally, but I see this… this far horizon where we’re going to become a… a peaceful civilization that will become interstellar and that there will be this time of universal peace, not just a peace on earth,” and he says, “Well, I hope you’re right,” I said, “Well, that’s the vision I see, that’s what I experience and that’s what… that’s what I hold on to going through all this dark nonsense.” But it was very curious that this in general, I mean, it’s like the first question out of mouth is very poignant that, you know, he shared with me that his father had committed suicide over this and asked me why I hadn’t, and it was this very strange. But, you know, my whole life since I got involved with this 20-some years ago it’s been very strange. But… but, you know, it gives you an insight into the gravity of the situation of the men and women dealing with this, it’s a very difficult situation.

Interviewer: It’s pretty amazing. Dr. Stephen M Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, The Orion Project, and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, he’s also author of a book, ‘Unacknowledged’, also you can watch ‘Unacknowledged’ on Netflix. I have to tell you, I’ve watched that documentary at least four times and I’ve read this book twice, it is phenomenal and it really opened my mind. And, Dr. Greer, thank you again so much for your commitment and for what you were doing, all the great work that you’ve done. To learn a little more about Dr. Greer, please go to his website at siriusdisclosure.com, also you want to download this great app called ET Contact Tool. Download it, you’ll learn all about the group meditations and how you can be a part of it. Dr. Greer, thank you so much for being with us today.

Dr. Greer: Thank you, appreciate your time.


Dr. Steven Greer, alien false flag, UFO, disclosure, Unacknowledged, zero point energy, anti-gravity, war in space, metaphysical, universal mind, CE5 Contact, Ryan McCormick, Outer Limits of Inner Truth

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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