
The Blueprints of the Twin Flame Relationship: The Key to Creating a Twin Flame

todayApril 5, 2016 3

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Kerrie O'Connor Twin Flame Class

The Blueprints of the Twin Flame Relationship: The Key to Creating a Twin Flame
By Virtue Kerrie O’Connor

“How wonderful to go beyond wanting and fearing in your relationships, love does not want or fear anything” Eckhart Tolle

Thursday April 21st 7:30pm –9:00pm Cost $25.00

Telephone Class
We wouldn’t think of building a house, business or even a bridge without blueprints. They are the backbone or foundation of any kind of creation.
When it comes to relationships especially the infamous “Twin Flame Relationship” rarely does one think of blue prints, but when you see, feel and/or sense the energy of a Twin Flame partnership a real balanced high heart love that goes way beyond any fairytale story we were brought up on. You are looking at the “Blueprints of the Twin Flame where there’s a solid but flexible foundation, a back-bone that supports it without being rigid, uncompromising or created in the Egoic mind or emotional bodies.

Join Kerrie as she helps you create an open access to your own unique blueprint for a Twin Flame partnership. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a partnership or not these keys, tools, codes and information goes right down to the DNA of Twin Flame partnerships, which allows you to have access to the most amazing Divine Creation – Love. It’s the emerging of the Kundalini energies with the Cosmic Heavenly energies opening up the literal pathways to the “Sacred Heart”. Where all Twin Flame partnerships are birthed. NOW in 2016 the gateways have been opened supporting the Twin Flame relationships. These sacred relationships are part of our evolutionary path.

Topics to be covered are:

1) What is a Twin Flame Partnership?
2) How to recognize and clear out blocks to conditional generalized patterns, childhood experiences right down to past lives, influences and unconscious patterns of the Egoic mind and emotional bodies.
3) The how, what, where and why of the “High Heart” and Sacred Heart –How to align with those energies.
4) The instant opinions, conclusions, labels, making the EGO mind and emotion creating the relationships of the “past” instead of the High Heart Space, cosmic and Divine Love.
5) How to avoid the highs and lows and the pitfalls of the Twin Flame Partnerships – Balance is the Key.
6) It truly begins WITHIN yourself Re-alignment, Re-connection to the Ancient Sacred Heart Space.
7) Attunements, alignments and tools so you can create an amazing , balanced partnership that you can bring that Divine Love into all of your relationships.

Please register by Wednesday April 20th….Call 860-887-1201 or email to register now

Written by: Outer Limits Radio

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